My Stay at Home Wife Story

I saw this on another blog here and thought it was really cool so I decided to share my story.

When my husband and I got married in 1996 we purposed for me to be a stay at home mom and wife.  Of course we didn’t have any children then but we knew we wanted to become used to one income.  I had worked corporately up until just a few months before we got engaged.  Two corporate jobs just didn’t sound like they would equal one big happy family for us.

So after we got married I began a Mary Kay business that I still run today.  I did work part-time at a jewelry store for a little while.  I remember it did take a while for me to get used to the fact that his money was our money.  But it did happen.  I think that is easier with kids because I know all the work I do would earn 140,000 in the job world.  In fact, I think that’s a little skimpy!!

Two years after we got married we became pregnant with the first of four children.  Today we homeschool and are parents to an 8,7,5,and 3 year old.

I hate to think what working outside the home would be like today.  YIKES.  I’m very content with the life God has called us to.  Yep, there are days I long for the privacy of my own office with no distractions but I’m learning that will happen soon enough.  And then I’ll wonder where all my kids went.  I just hope they give me a bunch of grandkids to play with when I’m old.

IN Christ,


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Now that Joe is 14, going on 15 and he stays busy with trap shooting and working part-time, I keep thinking oh my word… he may only be home for 3 or 4 more years. Egads. I'm so glad that we've had the bulk of time that we've had together.

  2. moreofhim says:

    I love being a stay at home Mom, and I agree, $140,000 is not enough!! LOL It's totally worth it, though, and it was always my dream to be a wife and Mom. I loved all your pictures of your camp out – those gnats were pesky!! God is so gracious and even brought you a breeze! Isn't He wonderful? I enjoyed visiting you – your blog caught my attention because my name is Julie, too! God bless you and have a great week!

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