He is Huge! (The House Part 2)

We found out this afternoon that our offer on the house with 14 acres has been accepted.  It’s been a crazy emotional day.  I’m just beginning to thaw out from being numb all day.  It helped being around so many wonderful friends tonight.  We still must have our financing approved, home inspection and all that jazz.  The Lord has many more details for us to watch him be HUGE in.  We are so appreciative to the couple who has agreed upon our offer.  And hope that He blesses them spiritually beyond their imagination.
Always IN HIM,


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Rejoicing with you! Yippee!!!

  2. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    Wow! I remember when we made our decision to move south. I was nervous and excited for a LONG period of time. It can be a lot of fun getting out and stretching yourself some, but it can be a little nerve racking too.

    Enjoy it. Trust Him and enjoy the next phase. Wishing you the best. Keep us posted.

  3. Hearthstone says:

    Julie!! We are celebrating and thanking the Lord with you! How EXCITING! Do keep posting as He continues to work!

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