God in the small things

Last night we camped out again at the farm.  It is just such a blessing to have a place to go and spend the night and it feels like a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of the day.  Time seems to stop there.

So this morning dawned a little chilly.  At 7am I got up to turn on the heater in the camper.  I thought my children had been abducted by aliens because they were so nestled down in the covers to ward off the chill.  It was all I could do to get up and paddle over to the heater to click it "ON".

Here are the kids nestling down last night

After snuggling in bed for about another hour the kiddos began to awaken.  The day suddenly turned from chilly to a toasty 90something degrees.  And the little tiny gnats were horrible.  So I looked up at the sky and said, "God we really could use a breeze here."  You see these pesky things were everywhere…  Can you see them in the photo below?  They are crazy!

We went about washing horses, swatting flies, and dodging gnats and the next thing I know the breeze is gently blowing from the west.  Wow.  "Lord?"  "Was that you?"  Of course you know the answer…it was.  And it made me smile to know that the God of the Universe, my God, cares enough about me to send the breeze to blow away the pesky gnats. 

So the kids got to enjoy a homemade swimming pool we made out of a horse trough .

Thank you Jesus.  For caring about the small things.


  1. abidinglove says:

    Oh He surely does care bout the small things – looks like you had a simply wonderful time – what precious memories! ~Colleen~

  2. What wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing. 🙂




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