Beach 2007 – Part 2

I promised more beach photos.  This certainly was the most amazing beach trip for us.  In part it was due to having awesome friends with us, using their wisdom of everyone having their own house, and the fact that Harbor Island is teaming with wildlife and sealife. 

Hunting Island island is just a minute down the road towards Fripp Island and is a State Park.  The deer pictured below is a buck I took from the front seat of our car.  It was wonderful to see them running all around as we drove through the island at dusk. 

On one side of the island is ocean and the other side is marshlands.  Here’s a photo of the marsh…

There are the normal SC coastal birds:
The Great Egret

The Blue Heron
The Pelican
All can be viewed at the link above.  I did get a photo of the egret but the herons and pelicans never seemed to cooperate.

This little guy couldn’t decide if he wanted to live in my car or on the tree beside it.  With my windows rolled down he seemed to like the shade inside the car.

Then there crabs and hermit crabs and live sand dollars and sharks and sting ray (skates) and flounder and mullet and on and on!!!
It was truly amazing.  The seagulls were different because they would not let us feed them.  At the NC coast where we normally visit they flock anytime they see the smallest speck of food.  Here they were scared of us and would fly away if we even began to approach them.

One of the hermit crabs who occupied one of the the zillions of conk shells on the island.

One of the sand crabs my youngest chased down.

One of the many deer we saw on Hunting Island

The mullet we caught with a cast net and fished with each day.

My oldest son caught a little flounder in his casting attempts.

And the boys made "aquariums" for the bait fish until we were ready to chop them up for bait.

Here some of the boys are crabbing.  We used chicken on a string and caught probably 50 crabs.

  The bait fish provided little sharks…

and some bigger ones…(nope, that’s not me but a friend of mine)

as well as some stingrays.  Here is the one my oldest son caught.

So you can see for a family who is accustomed to seagulls and a few crabs this trip was amazingly different.  It was like a homeschool lesson and vacation all wrapped up into one!!



    Wonderful pictures!

    It gives me the wish I were there feeling.

    Glad everyone had such a great time!


  2. tn3jcarter says:

    That really is amazing. Tony told me you called and told him all about it. That is so cool. It does look like something we would totally love. :o) I'm so glad you all discovered such a neat place!

  3. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    Looks like you had a great time. What an adventure.!!

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