Trusting the Lord

Well, at 5am this morning my youngest son came down with this stomach virus baby girl has had.  So after much deliberation my trip to see my husband in AZ is off.  It was a difficult decision because we were both looking so forward to this time.  But I’ve already arranged for a weekend away in March and hired the sitter who was going to help this weekend for that time too.  And I’m trusting the Lord that whereever we go in March will be a more wonderful trip than this one would have been. 

So my husband is in AZ all by himself and I pray he gets some time to have a little R&R on his own.  He works so hard to provide for us and he deserves some down time.



  1. tn3jcarter says:

    But I think you have the right attitude to just have faith that the time alone will be good for Tripp, that it's best for you & the kids to be at home together, and that you all will have a wonderful time getting away together later!

  2. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    but I'm sure the time you spend with your hubby in March will be even sweeter!!

    Will be praying your little ones get well soon.

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