Snow, Birds and Brave Warriors

God ceratinly answers prayers in the Upstate of SC where we were  blessed with about 3 inches of snow this morning.  It’ll all be gone tomorrow so that makes it even more wonderful.  While the kids were trecking through the neighborhood I got to snap a few pictures of the birds filling their bellies at the feeder.  I just love watching them.  God warms my heart through the simplest things.  Birds are one of them.
stay warm…..Julie

Let’s keep it all in the family fellows!!!!!  Munch munch………….

Two of my brave warriors

A TRUE SC Snowman….only 2 feet tall.


  1. It snowed in n. Texas today, too, which is just so…… WRONG.

    I'm ready for 90 degree temperatures.

  2. tn3jcarter says:

    Nothing but flurries and a dusting here!


    We got an inch or so yesterday. My children went out and enjoyed every speck they could find,. They even made snow balls. They were out there for 3 hours. I spent the cleaning. The little one napped and layed happily on the floor. He is so fun!

    I enjoyed the bird pictures. How do you get such closeups. I am guessing you have afancy zoom lens…?

    Have a wonderful weekend


  4. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I love birds too! They line up each morning on the rail of our deck, waiting for me to come out and feed them. : )

    We were supposed to get 4 inches of snow through the same system; but only got a few flakes. To say that our kids were disappointed would be an understatement. The sleds haven't been used in over two years.

    Thanks for always being such an encouragement through your comments on my blog.

    Happy Day!

    Julie D.

  5. Hi Julie,

    What beautiful pictures! I bet your kids had so much fun playing in the snow. I can't imagine you get much of it where you are.

    I finally have a few min. to do some blog-hopping and wanted to stop by and say hello. I really enjoy reading your blog! I am off to see what else you've been up to.


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