Quote of the day…

As I’m cooking pancakes and bacon for dinner tonight my five year old comes into the kitchen with this intellectual conversation……

Five year old son:  "Mom, wouldn’t it be cool if you farted and the house blew up?"
Me: (not wanting to encourage such lude talk!!)  "Well, no, because then we wouldn’t have anywhere to live."
Five year old son:  "Well, we could just go live at Kalie’s house."

Kalie is a friend of his who is also five.  They go to school together and were born just a couple weeks apart.

Where do they get this stuff???


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    I've been thinking about you the past couple of days. I keep meaning to call and just get distracted. I hope all is going well. I just noticed things have been kind of quiet on here…

    Love ya!


    What a brave girl to post such a thing— I am laughing!

    <br><br><br>Did you see this post.. another funny!





  3. that is excellent!

    I am so proud of the fact that you actually blogged that slice of life so we could all read it. My brilliant boys informed us some time ago that you are actually "tasting" everything you smell because your taste buds are all the way down your throat … ergo, what you inhale down your "windpipe" passes your tastebuds. That is also why good bbq sauce kind of "hurts so good" going down.


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