A strange solution to a bad situation

Some of you may remember the saga we have had with our psyco cardinal who divebombs the french doors of our bedroom each morning.  He sits on the railing of the deck and shirps amazingly loud.  I lay in bed and pray each morning that God would strike that bird dead.  But we have had to endure it’s territorial behavior for months.  Last year we suffered through another male cardinal’s insane behavior.  After taping all kinds of things up on the windows to help cut down on the reflection the cardinal sees in our french doors my husband came up with this ingenius idea…

So, what do you think??



  1. Your Friendly Wildlife Specialist here says:

    I looked on the internet for a list of natural predators for the cardinal. Nowhere on that list did I find the North American Wild Turkey. Sounds like something someone with a degree from Auburn University would think up.

    I wonder if War Eagles are scared of Wild Turkeys?

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