Snoozing on a Rainy Afternoon

Snoozing on a Rainy Afternoon…
Could they get anymore comfortable???


  1. I absolutely adore the pic of the pup in the pillows 🙂

  2. kampsplete says:

    My Morgan would ADORE these pictures ~ I'll have to show them to her. She just loves kitty's and dogs. She wants one so badly, but I can't have one until we move to a different house. Those are great pictures….I hope that you are enjoying the new year so far!

  3. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    Just checking to see if you have your RSS feed available.. nope..

    I found this site where I can put in all my HSBer friends who have a RSS feed and it allows it tells me when new entries have been entered. Kind of like the old HSB Friends page that is no longer.

    I would love to include you in my list so if you want to you can go to your settings and open your RSS feed to be shown..

    if not.. that's okie dokie too.. I'll check back via the old fashioned way.. LOL

  4. HomeForHim says:

    Hey there! Just wanted to drop in to say hi. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. What a gift we have in Jesus!

    Many Blessings,


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