Seven Wierd Things About Me

Following on the heels of Fish In My Hair’s blog and tag about Seven Wierd Things About Me
I thought it would be fun to think of Seven Wierd Things (just seven?) about me.  Well, seven I’m willing to share with YOU guys. 
So here goes….

1.  Like Fish In my Hair I too, love to do laundry….REALLY.  Not much makes me happier than an empty dirty clothes hamper.  Washing, drying, folding….no problem.  Now….getting them to the appropriate drawers?  Problem!
2.  I’ve got three different razors in my shower right now.  Like I need any more CHOICES in my life.
3.  I love my kids but also think duct tape would be the most appropriate parenting tool if someone would just give me permission to use it.
4.  I listened to the Grateful Dead for years and still get a hankering for them every once in a while.
5.  I wonder if I’d really enjoy the quiet and peaceful household my heart thinks it so desires.
6.  I only wash my kids sheet when they begin to stink.  No weekly routine of stripping the beds here.
7.  When my husband gets out of the bed in the morning I love to roll over to his side of the bed to snuggle in his spot
for another 30 minutes before finallly dragging myself out of bed.


  1. Aaahh, a Dead Head, eh? 🙂

  2. tnmomtomanyblessings says:

    Hi Julie-

    I wanted to let you nwo that I finally uploaded some pictures for the contest winnings.

    Sorry it took so long…too much to do these days.

    This baby is keeping me busy. Gotta go he's hungry again : ) and than make dinner.

    Thanks bunches!


  3. I can't think of 7 things that I would admit on my blog. 🙂

    On completely unrelated note, I am looking at new dig. camera. What do you use/recommend?


  4. of bedsheets that is. Why add extra work? but then again… you do love laundry!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Im new to blogging myself and thought I'd drop you a line about this post. I find it interesting that most of us moms are about the same… I too love The Grateful Dead and Led Zeppelin too! I haven't given up my love of old Rock, it keeps me tickin.

    I saved your site to my Favorites, I'll check back frequently. In Him, Amber

  6. Hey Julie, if you're weird, so am I! I may have to try this on my blog!

    The hard part would be narrowing it down to seven…

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