Our dog

Our dog Sparky is such a cool chick.  Here she is on the back porch.  By the way, has anyone else just about given up on school for the month of December?  Maybe the cold days we're due will cause us to hit the books again.  We've had near 70 degree weather for a week!  We're really having trouble getting back in the swing of things since Thanksgiving.  I'm ready for Christmas!!



And Don't Forget:

Christmas Photo Contest

A couple of days before Thanksgiving I posted a contest for the best Turkey feasting picture but I think I needed to post it a little earlier based upon the comments I received. 

So with all that said let's have a We're gettin' ready for Christmas photo contest.  It can be funny or classic or just plain beautiful, but it's got to be from this year's Christmas happenings.  Post the photo on your blog and then comment on my blog.  Send me an email with an attachment of your picture to julie.stew@yahoo.com.  I'll print off the pictures and let my kids and hubbie pick the winner.  The winner gets 25 FREE Digital Prints on me!

So get out those cameras and start snappin'.  You've only got until December 10th!!! 



  1. Betsyfriend says:

    I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you’re doing, and then you stopped by to see ME!! Our little family of four has been taking turns getting sick for the last month, so once again, I have been missing for a few weeks. Instead of blogging, I’ve been going around to my friends’ blogs to see what they’ve been up to. So you’re having a Christmas photo contest, huh? Knowing me, I probably won’t enter, but I hope you receive lots of great pictures! It really sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun. If I don’t “see” you before January, then Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! – Betsy


    I just took some pictures of our family today.

    I’ll try to find soem time to post and get you a link.

    What fun!

    Thanks fo stoping by, Our days are still busy trying to keep up and lovign our baby. But thanks be to God!

    Be blessed today!


  3. That sounds great to me. But I will probably not do that. I am on a mission to be officaily done with schoolin May. But that does not mean I will be done teaching her during the summer.

    Tina Kay

  4. I have had fun reading your blog today. You are not the only one having a hard time doing lessons during the holidays. We are going to do a progeny press study guide on The Best Christmas Pageant ever and that will be about it for our school for Dec. other than phonics for my youngest.

    I like the photo contest idea. I will have to get thinking on something cute to enter. Hope you have a great day!

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