I feel like my poor blog has been neglected….

Beginning to homeschool this year and then writing the Tip of the Day this month has left me feeling out of touch with my own blog.  It's been busy here!  Today has been the first really cold day of the year.  It's cloudy and such a good day to be inside all nice and toasty. 

We've begun work on the tree house which is our children's Christmas present this year.  So any of you out there who read my blog and want to buy my kids Christmas presents anything  for their tree house would be “way cool”. 

We talked about a family flag today to stake our claim over the tree house.  I asked the kids to begin to think about what they might like to paint on a flag.  To be honest, nothing sounds cooler than a skull and crossbones with our last name if bold black letters but I guess as a Christian homeschooling mom I ought to be about to come up with something with as much testosterone but more original, huh??  Any ideas? 

We talked about pilgrims, turkeys, indians and the mayflower today.  You know you have a house full of boys when all they want to talk about is who won the war between the indians and the “white man” and where they got to put their flag….staking their claim.  “Focus boys!  Focus”

The boys have their football banquet tonight but with our 2 year old feeling poorly I think I may stay at home. 

Well that's about all going on here today.  Let me know if you come up with any cool ideas for a family flag.



  1. Well you have been tagged the so here it goes.

    Since its thanksgiving thursday this is going to be about what your thankfull for.

    In your next entry before thanksgiving you have to right about 5 things that your thankfull for. Also you have to tag at least 3 people from your frinds list.


    Just copy everything above the line and paste a comment on someone elses blog.

    If you want to know what mine looks like just check out my blog.

    Talk to you later.


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