Christmas Photo Contest

Christmas Photo Contest

A couple of days before Thanksgiving I posted a contest for the best Turkey feasting picture but I think I needed to post it a little earlier based upon the comments I received. 

So with all that said let's have a We're gettin' ready for Christmas photo contest.  It can be funny or classic or just plain beautiful, but it's got to be from this year's Christmas happenings.  Post the photo on your blog and then comment on my blog.  Send me an email with an attachment of your picture to  I'll print off the pictures and let my kids and hubbie pick the winner.  The winner gets 25 FREE Digital Prints on me!

So get out those cameras and start snappin'.  You've only got until December 10th!!!  Here's some inspiration…


  1. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    fun. I’ll have to try and capture some of our craziness on film.

  2. Now I can do this! I’ll let you know when I get a photo of my liking!

  3. kampsplete says:

    Oh ~ I would love to do this, but you know I never win these things, and I am the world’s WORST picture taker. Our tree does look lovely though, so maybe just one picture of the littles in front of it. Maybe I’ll include an old trick some old friends and I did one year, and put tiny bulbs up their noses, and hang ornaments from their ears! NOT…..I’ll come up with something….Dec. 10th huh? I’ll be back….

    Love, Kathy


    I’ve posted a picture!

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