Whew…it's Friday

Whew…it's Friday and
Daddy's home
Life lessons at Wal-mart

What a week. 
Monday and Tuesday….the pits!
Wednesday…Bible Study and park all day!  A great “coming out of my dark hole” day.
Thursday…Great day, good weather, good school day.  Decided to stay home instead of go on planned field trip.
Friday….Yuck! again!

Good thing we stayed home Thursday because Friday made up for the entire day Thursday.  After my oldest diligently saved $39 of allowance money we promptly lost it or it was stolen (we don't know which) at Stuffmart today.  It was in our buggie in a box but when we got the register the box and all was gone. 

Now, I'm a mom who DOES NOT like to lose things.  My faith sees me through a lot but God is definitely still working on me in this area.  I obsess, I freak out, I retrace my steps, I rant, I rave, I foam at the mouth….okay, maybe it's not that bad, but it's rough. 

So after finding out we have no box of money at the cash register I retrace all our steps at Walmart with 2 kids wanting their allowance toys out of the boxes and operating with batteries.  (I know the man who made the wires that holds those toys in their boxes is surely rotting somewhere in those exact wires!!)  As I'm dealing with those two my baby girl is crying because she has a dirty diaper and wants me to change her and the oldest is crying because his hard-saved money is gone. 


It's now 12:39pm and #3 son was supposed to be at 1/2 day K4 nine minutes ago.  We report the crime/loss to customer service leaving our phone number and name.   Trying to decide whether to buy the toy my son wants OR make him deal with losing the money (not really knowing whether it was his fault or not) I finally decide that saving the money warranted ME buying the toy.  Forty dollars worth of toy.  UGH!

We haven't heard from Stuffmart/Walmart that anyone has turned in the money and continue to pray that it's found.

As I fret over 1. the loss, 2.being unable to figure it all out and 3. the fact it was money we lost I try desperately to turn it all over to God.  Only after I'm now physically sick over the whole thing.  I have a headache and I feel I'm going to lose my breakfast banana any minute.  Finally  I decide maybe God was using this to show me his Grace.

Grace?  Losing almost $40?



It could have been my purse.

It could have been my kids.

So I let it go.

And then I take it up again retracing all our steps in Wal-mart in my mind.  Down each aisle and past each person…..

Then once again decide I can't figure it out so I let it go.  Well, I kinda let it go….

Man, it was hard.  I wanted to go back after dropping my son off at K4 and comb Wal-mart again and again and again.  You get the picture!

But I didn't.  I'm sure I'll pick it all up again for I feel I haven't fully let it go.  But I keep trying to dwell on His Grace.

Oh Father….how little we truly know.

IN YOU tonight Lord!


  1. Something similiar happened to us once. We moved to another state when my dd was 5, and we were going to Disney World 5 days after we had moved (I know that sounds crazy, but that’s another story…a long one!). Anyway, she had saved over $200 for spending money for DW (another long story how and why a 5 year old had that much money). We were in our house, movers gone, and we’re now getting ready for our trip, and there is only loose change in her piggy bank. To this day we believe that one of the movers stole it. (I know…not smart to move cash in a plastic piggy bank…but I forgot to take it out.) Good news is that when we reported it to the moving company, they replaced the money. So, I’m so sorry this happened. I can empathize with the pit in your stomache!

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