No pretty pictures to post today…

I'm tired.  I've been tired all day.  My worst mornings are the ones where we have to hit the floor running.  And this morning was one of those.  So is tomorrow.  I much prefer a relaxed homeschool atmosphere where we have nothing much to do except homeschool.  I don't always get that though.  Running from here to there is exhausting to me.  I'm an introvert.  I like small intimate group settings, I like alone time, I like down time.  I like relaxed easy flowing school days.

The biblestudy I've enjoyed for years on Wednesday mornings at 9am might have to be put aside until another time.  It's feeling just like another morning I gotta get everyone up and out.  March, March, March….

I stress out over busy “gotta go” schedules.  I need that farm/homestead and no where to go.  I'd pay someone to go to Walmart for me when I need diapers.  Otherwise….you'd find me at the homestead!!!!!!

Tired and missing her husband,


  1. ThreeLittleLadies says:

    I know just how you feel. I’d much rather stay home than run around taking the kids to a million (or even 2) activities. I like the relaxed homeschool day too. I hope you get some rest soon.


  2. Hey… I tagged you for “when you where a kid post!! Go ahead and copy and paste my post, erase my answers, and write your own! Let me know, play if you want, don’t feel guilty if you don’t.

  3. I agree…I much prefer staying at home. All the kids’ activities are driving me nuts. I like to stay home…I like to keep our circle small…perhaps that’s bad, but I think it helps me keep my focus on DH and the DCs.

    I’m glad you did go to Bible study…what an insprirational study and post! Thank you for sharing it in such wonderful detail!

    Michelle aka dmd and a zone bar!! πŸ™‚

    btw, if you need a good laugh, come read my camping story.

  4. Hi Julie,

    Oh we are so similar. I could stay home all week, except church, and be so happy! Too bad I live with 4 extraverted people. The good thing about that is they all don’t mind going somewhere and letting me stay home πŸ™‚

    We mostly just stay home during the school year. But with Doug now working 2nd shift, I figured why not do the Tues. morning ladies’ bible study. I’m taking The Excellent Wife group and hey, that’s a good book. Well, it is feeling a little stressful, and am only gone 2 1/2 hours, it’s 10 blocks down the road, and Doug is here supervising school. Sheesh!!! Then to top it off, I figured I should get involved in a small group at our church this fall. I will be making gingerbread houses, but it is Tuesday evening! What was I thinking planning 2 things on Tuesday lol. and every other week I am driving an hour away for an appt. Whew….I feel tired when I think about it lol.

    OK…well, I was just going to sympathise with you and I ended up rambling on and on. sorry about that. Oh, so sorry about your walmart/money dilemna today. I pray you get some peace on that πŸ™‚


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