Tuesday….was it another Monday?

Oh, I'm loving homeschooling my two older boys this year already!  It's wonderful to see why God chose for me to keep them at home. 

My wonderful, attractive, helpful studly husband (yes, he reads my blog) took two of the four kids to the Dr's office today and spent most of the morning there.  Baby girl has strep and my oldest boy has something wrong with his eye.  It looks like pink eye but those drops didn't work so now they are thinking of sending him to an opthamologist.  If it's not better by Thursday we'll continue onward to another doctor. 

Homeschooling was interesting today.  It was the first day that we did school seperately with the two boys.  Since my oldest was at the doctor all morning with his dad I got to spend one on one time with my second born. 

Then, this afternoon I got one on one time with my oldest.  My youngest son and I even got some one on one time while my second born was drawing tornados.  He's gotten to be quite the little artist lately.  It's wonderful to seem him running on a football field and then concentrating with a pencil in his hand as he dreams up a new drawing.

I think I have strep too.  My throat's been sore all day and I feel horrible this evening.  I'll probably make it into the dr's office tomorrow for a strep test. 

Until then….


  1. kampsplete says:

    My throat hurts just reading that…I hope you are all better soon. I’m under the weather today too, but I think mine is just stress….we start our school in less than two weeks. We’re waiting for all the kids friends to go back to school too. So we’re on for the day after Labor Day. I STILL have no clue how to plan lessons….I guess we’ll fly by the seat of our pants……have a wonderful day, and feel better soon!

    Love, Kathy

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