This morning

This morning I arose to the rising sun….
       went out for some exercise with my friends…..

then off to my bountiful garden as the sun is rising over the meadow and begin the initial preparation for the homecooked meals I prepare everyday…..

This is my table outside that's never dirty on the back porch after I'd washed the homegrown vegetables.  Nothing's prettier then the rising sun on homegrown veggies from your own garden!!

Now….off to wake my perfect children……

(This IS supposed to be a joke guys!)
Have a great day


  1. thewestiecrew says:

    That first one looks like a prison boot camp…LOL!

    BUT, those veggies look fab, dahling…I am jealous (or should I say *green*…wow that was cheesy…but we are talking about vegetables, so I will stop 😀 )

    Gayle 🙂 ~who obviously needs more coffee.

  2. Wow! Do you hold aerobics class in your yard? I’ve met some motivated bloggers, but that’s just impressive!

    The veggies are gorgeous!! I know you’re perfect children will be getting a healthy meal or two with that bountiful garden in your yard.

  3. Is this the same place that I left two weeks ago? What did I miss???

    Missing you all, and thinking about you all the time. Pray for a job!!! And call me, I have a babysitter!

    Love, Laura

  4. Canadagirl says:

    I needed that giggle today. Thanks for lightening the mood here. God Bless. I miss your wonderful avatar at my blog. Come say Hi some time. (0:

    In Him,

  5. Julie, you are a stitch!!! I’ve missed visiting you and had to stop by and say hello. Thanks for the laugh 🙂 I’ll go see what else you’ve been up to.



    Ha ha ha — I love your sense of humor.

    Have a great day!


  7. kampsplete says:

    Are you feeling better? Has your recovery been pretty good? I’m still jealous as all get out….I finally figured out how to post pictures on my blog, so you’ll have to come check out my family. I have had a great time going through my pictures, and I can’t wait to take more. A friend is going to redo my blog for me, so I’ll have it looking pretty good soon. I’m already tired of the peaches….Anyway, hope you’re doing well…come visit soon!

    Love, Kathy

    That baptism was so cool……:) what a neat experience for your hubby huh?

  8. That is so funny!!! If only life were that simple!!!

    Love the pictures.


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