Well, half way back…we're at my mom's which is half way to our house.  And I have a high speed connection.  All of you out there with dial up.  God bless your heart.
Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Here's my sweet hubbie and my daughter in her new WINGS beach outfit.

And here is the king of the castle…..

Here's my sweet 6 year old……

The three musketeers……..

My seven year old trying his hand at the skim board……

And my hubbie was kind (I guess you'd say) enough to allow three of the kids to cover him with sand…..

My aunt's oceanfront house where we were blessed to spend the entire week…………

Baby girl and her daddy headed out to sea………….

My artistic side showing through……….

The entire clan…….

More to come from home.  Enjoy your weekend.


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Danielle is really growing up. And I think she looks so much like you. :o) Glad you all had a great trip to the beach.



  2. hiplvmom2 says:

    Oh My Stars! I love the photos! Yes thank goodness I have FAST wireless *smile* bacause there is NOTHING better then a blog full of photos! My favorite! The beach looked wonderful!!! I hear it calling to me…… Dana bring your family to the ocean….. Hurry…. Las Vegas is to hot and dry…. come to the ocean… *giggle*

  3. I agree with the above comment that your little girl looks like you! WHAT a place! I could hang there all summer long!

    BTW: Did your son like the skim board? I’m interested in more little boy contraptions.

  4. jaminacema says:

    You are an awesome photographer! Those pictures of you dd and dh are beautiful! What a bunch of cute kids you have! Thanks for sharing.

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