Archives for June 2006

Be still and know

We studied John Chapter 9 last
night in our Home Group.  The chapter is
all about Jesus healing the blind man who was blind from birth.  His disciples ask Him who sinned…did he sin
or did his parents?

I was struck by the assumption of
guilt.  How often do I assume the origin
of someone’s sin, pain, or ill behavior when all along God has allowed “the blindness”
for HIS glory to be seen?  And how often
do I need to assign blame?  Whose fault
is it?  Or how often do I feel the need
to figure it out?  Is that really my

I have a friend who believes that “figuring
things out” is one our greatest unrecognized and unconfessed sins.  She believes that when we try to figure
things out we are playing God.  I think
she’s onto something.  Isn’t our job to
still our hearts to hear God’s voice, not to intellectualize or analyze?  “Be still and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

How often is the glory of God seen
in people our world considers “abnormal”? 
The child with Down syndrome or the “slow” child.  The mother in the nursing home.  The sick father-in-law.  I wonder how many children have been aborted
that we would have seen the glory of God through?  What have we missed?

How much do we miss because we are
seeing with our physical eyes instead of our spiritual eyes?  When I take my eyes off of Jesus and place
them on my circumstances my life either seems really wonderful or dreadfully
bleak.  The only consistency comes in
focusing on Christ.

“Lord, help me to see as the blind
man did, with spiritual eyes.”



Our weekend….pictures speak a thousand words.

We had a great weekend…… need for words!  Hope yours was wonderful too.  IN HIM……julie

my strong and fearless hubbie!!

The long version…

I thought I'd blog about what happened in our lives yesterday when we found out we were staying in SC and with the company my hubbie works for.  Several months ago my hubbie interviewed for a new job in NC.  It was appealing in some ways but not a big monetary jump so we didn't feel the other benefits outweighed moving.  So…we declined their offer. 

In the meantime we knew that we had promised to move to Memphis TN this summer and my hubbie's boss still expected us to do so.  We really didn't feel led to move but were open to the fact that God may be moving us on.  We also realized just how important this community and our church had become in our lives.  The biggest factor was that we'd made a promise and knew God wanted us to make good on that promise.

After agreeing to move to Memphis while also letting his boss know that we desired to stay here we left it in God's hands.  Well, some days we did.  Other days we picked it back up and ran with it.  I always get into trouble when I make decisions on my own.  But there are times when I am tempted to make a decision just for decision's sake.

But we kept hearing from the Lord “Wait and trust me.”.
Easier said then done, right?

In the months that have passed I've learned a lot. 

  • One thing I've learned is to wait patiently on God.
  • Another is that He ALWAYS has my best interest at heart. 
  • And I don't need to look past today, for today is all He has given me. 
  • A man's word is his honor.
  • We can not operate in a vacuum.  We need friends to pray for us and to help us through the tough times.  I need a shoulder to cry on and friends who will lift me up when I can't even pray.

I breath air with a sigh of relief today.  The time is gone.  The decision has been made.  I am so thankful that we do not have to move.  I'm thankful for a loving heavenly father that will see us through anything.  And I'm thankful for friends who love us enough and care enough to pray.


Praise God!

Oh my!!! 
Finally blog about what's going on with us!  We haven't known for quite a while now if we would have to move with my husband's job or even if he'd have one if we decided not to move.  God has had us in “the waiting place” for months.  And it's been a roller coaster ride.  We found out today that we get to stay here and we get to stay with the company he presently works with.  YEA GOD. 

We've prayed for months not to move.  Our hearts are here with our community and our church and our friends.  Although open to knowing God may be ready to move us on our heart's desire has been to stay. 

And we get to!!!!
“Thank you dear Jesus for caring about every detail of our lives.  Thank you that we can present to you the desires of our heart and you understand.  WE love you so much and appreciate all the ways you protect us and our family.  I know there are ways we will never understand this side of heaven.  YOU truly are amazing
I love you.

thanks to all of you who have prayed for us as we've struggled in the waiting place…….
you are a blessing!!
