Nope, no new photos….

Yes, I'm safely at the beach but having to deal with dial up.  Oh, how horrible!!  So….I've not got any new photos to post because of the cave (oh, the front row beach house) I'm vacationing in.  My great aunt is a saint to allow her family to use such a beautiful home.  We spent all day on the beach and will probably do so again tomorrow.  We have a belated Father's Day Sunset Cruise planned. 


Do I really have to go back home????




ok…i tried one really small….let's see how it does uploading.  this is my friend sandy and her puppy dog BUD


  1. FarmGirlShelley says:

    Oh you are so lucky. I miss the ocean, especially with this warm weather. Grab a few handfuls of sand for me. 🙂

  2. tn3jcarter says:

    Hey, I figured out the issue that I was having with bloglines. Send me your RSS feed now and I’ll be able to get it to work. Yipee!

    Enjoy the beach,


  3. Canadagirl says:

    We need some sun so we can swim in this cold lake of ours. If you look at my blog you will see a pic of the Kootenay Lake. We love spending so much time at the beach. I hope you have a real refreshing and rejuvinating ( sp?) time. I hope you visit my blog sometime. I miss you shinning face. (0:

    In Him,


  4. Hi Julie,

    It sounds like you are having a great time at the beach! I can’t wait to see photos, but you can wait until you’re back to the land of the living and high-speed internet 🙂 I’ve posted some pictures from Doug and my trip to the lake. We had a great time.

    Just wanted to say hello 🙂



    We’re off on a trip this weekend. I’m so glad to hear that you are enjoying your time away.

    Be Blessed,


    ps- I’m taking my camera with me and hopefully will get some photos. : )

  6. Canadagirl says:

    It is finally sunny here! I had to check last night to make sure my sons didn’t turn on the heater because it was so warm. LOL. So you did it thank-you, hee hee. I think Bahamahomeschooler sent some too cuz I asked her too. (0: So there we have it summer is setting in and maybe when the flooding calms down and the lake goes down enough that we actually have beaches again . Then we can go swimming at our beach close by.

    In Him,


  7. hope you are having a great time~ or did have one.

    I love reading your blog.

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