Here Kitty Kitty!

Some time ago a friend of mine thought she may be allergic to her kitten Peanut so I agree to take it for a while until another friend (who'd agreed to take her) came to get her.

Well, she didn't work out at the other friend's house because the cat she already owned was quite a bit older and a kitten was too rambunctious and frustrated the dickens out of her older cat so I brought Peanut back to my house and took another cat someone had given me to her house.  This cat was quite a bit older and got along with her cat much better than the kitten.  (Yes, just call me the cat lady….people must see that stamped on my forehead for they are often trying to give me cats.)  Oh, and did I mention my hubbie has a very humble dislike for cats??

So now I have this kitty that we have come to call the “Foster Kitty” who's real name is Peanut.  Well, Foster Kitty (Peanut) is now pregnant.  Guess I waited too long for that vet trip, huh?

So I tell you all this to say we are getting ready for some pretty cool homeschool REAL LIFE experiences at my house.  I've never seen a cat give birth so I hope I'm around when she does.  I have no idea how far along she is but I do know their gestation period is about 60 days.  She's got a nice wobble to her now. 

God has provided for us in yet another way by causing this cat to take an unmistakable liking to our babysitter, Ruth.  She takes to Ruth like she's taken to no one else and thinks Ruth hung the moon.  So Ruth has agreed to take Peanut and her nursing kittens back to nursing school with her in August.  Yea Ruth!!!!  and YEA GOD!!!

We both are going to try to find homes for the kittens so if any of you HSBers out there want a sweet adorable well loved kitten I AM YOUR WOMAN!

I can't wait to post pictures of the birth.  Oh, how I hope God allows me to be a part of it (from purely an observation standpoint)!

The Cat lady…..julie


  1. ChathamMommy says:

    I like the new banner! 🙂

    We just got two kittens, so I think we’ll just stay at that. It’s bad enough that one of them tried to eat Miss Sally (the rat) today. I’m not sure my heart could handle a third. *grin*

    What a fun experience, though!

  2. HomeForHim says:

    Hey Julie,

    Try it again now….I forgot I had it in the edit mode for adding a letter. Enjoy! Also, I might just take you up on the horse picture thing. I’ll look at it more over the weekend… =]

    Home For Him,


  3. homegoddess22 says:

    Having experienced many kitty births, my suggestion for you would be to make her a nice “nesting” box. A cardboard box with a nice fluffy blanket or towel in a quiet, out of the way location. Show it to her and see what she thinks. After a couple of days, you may have to try a new location, but our cats always ended up using the box at delivery time. We always had a removable lid on ours that we could take off after labor had started so we could watch. Kitties like dark, quiet, out of the way locations to give birth, and this will save you from a huge mess under your bed, couch, or back of the closet.

    Kitties will get restless and have a diminished appetite just before labor. So, those are some things to watch for.

    Anyway, hope you get to witness it!

  4. Kitty births are amazing! I hope you and your children are there for it! I am a bit of a cat lady myself, so we have a full house right now!

    Best of luck!

  5. Trapdude says:

    Hello Mrs.Julie this is Joe carter from the sticks of KY.I just created a blog come check it out

    P.S Tell Trip Go Vols

  6. eyecorn says:

    Lucky you…you get the lesson and then the cats are gone…I have to side with your DH, although, I’m not so humble anymore in my dislikes for cats. Not since the one who ran away at the beach (awwww, too bad) pooped on my clothes. Yup, that was the clincher for me.

    What wonderful photos of your family! I love the father-daughter photos…they are so sweet. I cherish all of the ones I have of DH and DD.

    We’re off to Sunset Beach…ugh! I’ve been bathing suit shopping. Wish I could fit into one of those cute WINGS bathing suits like your DD’s 🙂

  7. fiddling says:

    love the picture!

    0:) Amber

  8. Trapdude says:

    Having a litter of five cats is better than finding a litter of nine puppies on your land.But when nobody wants them thats even worse. Nine puppies eat a WHOLE LOT,and I do meen a whole lot .


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