Friends are a blessing

Yesterday we spent the evening at a friend's pool until the sun vanished from the sky.  We had a beautiful sunset, yummy hamburgers and wonderful fellowship.  Since this nameless friend has forbidden me and my camera near her house I'm sharing photos of my kids, not her.  Believe me, my friend will thank me.  Although very outgoing she IS a little camera shy and wishes NOT to be seen by the world at large.
(Who does she think reads these blogs anyway??)

Baby girl found herself a bowl of watermelon and
was happy as a lark.

My very favorite two year old in the whole entire

My favorite four year old and my friends kitty.

And two of my favorite guys in the whole world!!!

Today's my 7 year old's first day out of school so we're off to the pool again in a few minutes.  Tonight's it's Dominos!!!

By the way Michelle, I've decided a Diet Coke, chocolate and a nap is the cure for anything that ails ya!!!
Happy Happy Summer…


  1. sherrydhoneycutt says:

    I just love the pictures! Days like that are so wonderful!


  2. nsremom says:

    Once again, your pictures amaze me. How do you get your handsome husband to pose for you? I can’t get my husband to smile and look ‘un’goofy. I have to sneak one. 🙂

    Looks like a fun day.

  3. jaminacema says:

    What fabulos pictures! The 1st one of your daughter is just fabulous! The shadowing is perfect! I love pictures…

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