A Time for Rest…..

I am happily enjoying my belated Mother's Day weekend away by myself.  My wonderful husband graces me with a weekend away almost every Mother's Day.  He and I have both learned that a little rest goes a long way for mom!!  So once again I find myself in Ocean Isle, NC visiting my friend Sandy.  It was in this general area that I met another HSBer just a few months ago.  What a treat!


But back to the Resting…

It's taken me a few days to settle into “not being constantly needed”.  It's a strange feeling as a mom to get to a true place of rest.  After a Saturday filled with shopping, yummy food and pampering our toesies I think I'm finally at the place of rest.  My body has realized it's not constantly on call, my brain hasn't heard “MOMMY!!!!” for a day and a half now and I've actually slept through the night without some sweet little thing shaking me quietly saying, “mom….mom….are you awake?”.


What a wonderful feeling to be able to step back from my family and rest.  Jesus rested.  I know we are to follow his example.  But we all know as mom's it's a rare thing to have time to rest. 


I'm thankful to God and to my husband for allowing me the time away to recharge my batteries.  The best part is when I return home we have one day until our whole family leaves for the beach for our family vacation!  Yippee.  I may never return home and this year I might actually have a little bit of a tan!


Wishing you all rest….



  1. eyecorn says:


    I felt rested just reading your post!! Sounds like a great time. We got to Sunset Beach and will be heading there soon (after we move)…I love the Ocean Isle area…it is VERY relaxing there…not too much commercialism, but enough to go out and get your toesies done! My brother has a house at Sunset Beach and had invited me there this past week…we could have met!! OH, well, but I had to stay home and pack up the house 🙂

    Your header photo is absoultely precious..God has blessed you and your DH with 4 beautiful, smiling gifts. Plus, what a classic “missing front teeth” photo of your DS!


  2. Julie,

    How fun! I’ve been meaning to make an appt. to pamper my toesies. I love to do that!

    I’m also enjoying my Mother’s Day weekend alone. Well, 24 hours anyway. Doug and the boys just left for the lake. I’ve been to Kohl’s for new sheets & towels. I’m about to take a nap, read a book, go out for dinner, watch a movie and eat chocolate LOL….I’m looking forward to sleeping in.

    May you come home rested and ready for that vacation! I look forward to hearing all about it 🙂


  3. Jedi4sweet says:

    It kills me that I’ve been thinking about you for the past 2 wks and I haven’t got here sooner to let you know. I was happy to see your “anonymous” comment (LOL) and wanted to come over as soon as I could to let you know I’ll be praying 4 u before 7/12 for peace, on 7/12 and of course afterwards, too, for a smooth recovery and all that. I know God has you safely in the palm of His hand and has many more prosperous plans ahead of ya just waiting 4 you!!!! ; )

    Lots & lots of my love from me…. and praying for His continued blessings upon you & yours….

    PS: Love all these fun pics in your earlier posts ….. I sure wish I lived closer to you! : ) What fun we would have! = )

  4. OreoSouza says:


    And I love all the photos. Thanks for posting them. They cheer my heart.


    I’m so glad you got to get away. What a blessing to get refreshed and rest. It does make for a more healthy mom.

    I also wanted to thank you for all the info you sent me on the digital cameras. I went out and picked several up and held them to see how they felt. I ended up getting a brand new Kodak EasyShare P850. I’m anxious to try it out. I found a great deal on Ebay. I’m hoping it arrives safely and works as it should. Thanks so my much for your input. I haven’t had much time to leave comments latley.

    Have a wonderful vacation too! We leave for a run to the East Coast at the end of the month. I can’t wait to see some old friends and visit with our family.

    Be Blessed today!


  6. Julie, Thank you so much for the precious encouragement you’ve given me on my blog. I really appreciate you and needed to hear your words 🙂

    Did you enjoy your weekend? Hopefully you’ll have an easy day of packing.


  7. thewestiecrew says:

    I am so glad that you are getting a break! You really needed one…enjoy the rest of it. 🙂

    Gayle 🙂

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