You know…

Have you read Kindred Spirit's blog today?  It's awesome.  Her blog made me think about our trail ride the other day.  “Dallas”, the wonderful horse that I rode wouldn't load onto the trailer when we were finished riding.  Adonnya (my friend) had to be back home by 3pm and time was “awasting” as we tried over and over to get Dallas to load onto the horse trailer.

We put another horse, Diesel, on first to see if Dallas would load.  Over and over again we tried.  He refused to get on.  Adonnya became quite frustrated with him so I gave it a try.  Still, no go!   Then we took Diesel off and tried with an empty trailer.  No go.  Then I came up with the idea to try loading him on the side of the trailer Diesel had been on.  Who knows why!  I was just praying for God to give us options for getting this horse on. 

Well, up he goes right onto the trailer.  No fuss, no stalling, just right up. 

Can I get an Amen, Praise the Lord?
Thank you Jesus!!!

On the way home I kept thinking there must be a spiritual lesson in all of this.  There always is.  How many times do I insist on doing things a certain way only to be frustrated by my numerous attempts?  And all the time there is the Lord's way, not always easy, but full of blessing for He has gone before me to prepare the path. 

Now, like loading the horse on the trailer there were two sides to the same opening.  A double horse trailer has a left and a right side.  But there was only one way in that worked.

We were so intent on loading Dallas on one side we didn't even see the other side and it's possibilities.

gives a girl something to think about, huh?



  1. thewestiecrew says:

    Hey Julie!

    How wise of you to glean a lesson from a frustrating circumstance. I am heading on over to KindredSpirit’s blog now.

    Have a great day!

    Gayle 🙂

  2. Canadagirl says:

    You said…

    How many times do I insist on doing things a certain way only to be frustrated by my numerous attempts? And all the time there is the Lord’s way, not always easy, but full of blessing for He has gone before me to prepare the path.

    The Lord’s way is not always easy but His yoke is. I know when I follow Him my soul is in a better state than if I follow what the world says to be easier.



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