The baby bird

Our little robin has now learned to perch and I'm trying to teach him to eat off of the ground.  He's progressed from eating like a baby (with his neck cranked back) to taking food from my hand when it's about half way down to the ground.  He still doesn't act like he knows what to do with a squirming worm that's lying on the ground.  We'll keep trying.  He's also begun to exercise by flapping his wings. 
Here's some pictures of him from last night when he was perched on the side of his bowl/nest.


  1. Julie, he is so cute and fuzzy! You’re doing a great job caring for him.

    How is your leg?


  2. Julie, he is so cute and fuzzy! You’re doing a great job caring for him.

    How is your leg?


  3. nsremom says:

    Our little robins have all flown the coop. (so to speak) Did you get to see our little Robins? Check out my blog’s BYE, BYE Birdie post.

    Since your little bird is flapping his wings now I bet he’ll fly away really soon. Ours were gone within days after doing that. Mostly they just sat around or squawked to be fed until the day they up and flew off.

    Isn’t science fun?

  4. CAgirlwithasoutherndrawl says:

    I have been following your baby robin saga on my friend’s page. What a homeschool project! I am very surprised at how healthy it is. I hope that your trip to the nature preserve is not too stressful. I know how easy it is for kids to get attatched to little animals that we adopt.

    Thanks for the encouragement on my blog. 🙂



    Thanks for the tips on a digital camera. I bid on one on Ebay but got higher than I wanted to pay, I will continue to try to find another Kodak. Kodak is my first choice.

    Love the bird pictures!

    Be blessed,


  6. He is so so cute – wait a minute, he or she? I am grinning from ear to ear on this story, i bet the kids are absolutely thrilled at your little robins’ progress. I know i am. 🙂

    How’s the leg doing? Getting better all the time?

  7. HomeForHim says:

    Hey Julie,

    I sounds like you’ve been busy with an extra mouth to feed. How fun! And what a learning experience! The pictures are precious. I’m going to show them to the kids tomorrow and we’ll keep stopping back to see his progress. Thanks for stopping by today too! Just putting those ABC ideas down has become a fun thing to do together for us. =]

    Keep Shining,


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