Not much to say

Not much to blog about today….

  • A few updates though:
  • BABY BIRD is about to eat us out of house and home.  At $3 a container of worms he's getting as expensive to feed as my kids but he's doing great.
  • the BRUISE is bigger, larger, darker, uglier.  but I rode again last night.  it helped with the soreness.
  • i had my second parent/teacher conference today.  it went well.  we are still praying about montessori school or homeschool for my oldest next year

And a few questions….

  • does anyone know anything about biofeedback?
  • does anyone know anything about diet for someone with ADD tendencies?

Here are some examples of just how awesome our God is….


  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, I don’t know nuttin about biofeedback or ADD diet, but for future reference you can use Arnica gel or ointment on bruising. It is amazing how well it can keep things from bruising! The key thing though is to put it on as quickly as you can. Like keep some with you wherever you go kind of thing. Jon ran into the doorway once and practically split his head open – I put Arnica on it a few times that night and it didn’t bruise AT ALL! I don’t think it helps much though if the bruise is old though. Just thought I’d offer that tip for future reference. You can get Arnica at health food stores, GNC, etc…

  2. Julie, those pictures are stunning! God truly is awesome and amazing. I love the beauty he made for us to enjoy.

    I’m glad it helped to get back on the horse. I pray that bruise goes away really fast 🙂

    I don’t have any answers for your questions…sorry about that.

    Have a blessed night.


  3. Bruises are so ugly aren’t they, they are about as colorful as those picture though, i think yellow is the final color, maybe a very light green, then poof – gone! Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident, but encouraged to hear how resilient (sp?) you are 🙂

    Not sure about the diet, i have been leaning more and more towards organics in everything and i know that diet does have an effect on ADD as well every disorder we can concoct on earth. It’s truly amazing how what you eat and drink can have a total effect on your mind and body physically, emotionally, all around. I have been investigating this web site, perhaps you can find some answers there.

    press on sister, press on <(((><

  4. oh my goodness! those pictures are incredible!! so lovely

  5. Anonymous says:

    These are actually suggestions for adhd…but maybe they’ll be helpful. Christian Doctor Don Colbert has a book about it too, I think.


  6. CrackedPot says:

    Hey the pictures are beautiful. I love the work that God has done to give us joy. As you may or may not know 1G15 has been diagnosed with ADHD since she was six. Anyway, we did medicine for a while and I looked into the diet aspect(Feingold) but unless all of us were willing to follow the diet it didn’t seem like it would work all that well. We also did the biofeedback when she was 10 or 11. I like the way that works. She would have to wear this headgear thing and it was set up to train your brain how to concentrate on certain areas. Anyway, it seemed to help and she hasn’t really taken any medicine since we started homeschooling. Now with the homeschooling it doesn’t seem to be as important whether she is focused 100%. It seems to be more of a problem with they are in a classroom environment where they are all expected to act a certain way and do a certain thing all at the same time. Just my opinion for what it is worth in dealing with this for 10 years in and out of the classroom. If you have any more questions I think I still have some of the books I had looked through years ago.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know anything about diet for someone with ADD tendencies?

    We use the Feingold Diet for our family. It shows us how to shop and cook to get rid of the artificial colors and flavors and a few bad preservatives that affect our second daughter especially, and I think it really helps. Here is the link:

    Our same second daughter went to Montessori school for the first half of kindergarten this year. I liked it for the most part, except the social interactions left something to be desired. I was glad to bring her home to homeschool when we moved to Colorado a couple of months later. I like the program overall.

    Oh yeah, I also wanted to mention that I am also a six-footer with a 34 inch inseam! Your pic on the horse resembles me somewhat!

    Edited by ThreeLittleLadies on May. 24, 2006 at 5:37 AM

  8. Canadagirl says:

    These pics are amazing , I wish I was there. I love your story about the baby robin. 🙂

    I need to keep reading your blog to know more about you. Hope to get to know you more.

    In Him,


  9. FarmGirlShelley says:

    Hi Julie! A great web site for ADD and eating is

    He talks extensively about such issues. Another great web site with recipe ideas for healthy eating

    they will send you free magazines with recipes. I love getting them! Blessings!

    Oh, and we found a baby robin too, it was a fledgling. We just put him back where we found him and his mom kept feeding him. I learned that they finished their training out of the nest! Cool huh?? Hope your baby bird does well.

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