I'm trying the TAG….just because I love Gayle over at thewestiecrew

Gayle just got done with a cool tag so I'm gonna try it.

Favorite magazine?  I'm not a magazine fan.  But I guess TOS.  (hey, do i get a prize someone??)

What is your favorite tv show?  We loved this season of American Idol.  Otherwise TV?  Blah!

What's on your mouse pad?   Don't have one


Favorite smell?  I love Gayle's answer about babies after a bath but I think just to pick something different I'll go with fragrant yellow roses.  Yum!!!



Worst feeling in the world:  I have to agree with Amber and Gayle on this one, when something is wrong with my kids.


Things I do on the weekends:  Spend money I don't have at Walmart.  Eat calories I don't need at Liberty Sweets Icecream.

Favorite Soundtrack:  Anything soothing, calming, relaxing and loud enough to drown out the kiddos.


What is the first thing that you thought of when you woke up this morning?  It's 7:20 I must get up and make #1 son's lunch for school.  Ugh.


Do you get motion sickness?  Yup.  Not pleasant.

Ditto for me too….I get it badly


Roller Coasters, Exciting or Deadly?  Deadly, refer to the above question.


Pen or Pencil?  Pens, fine point.  I could buy a million and use everyone of them.  (a little feddish if i had the money to support it)


How many rings till you answer the phone?  You mean as I'm lunging for it after yelling “Get the phone guys!” a million times?  I dunno!!


Favorite Foods?  Chocolate.  Pizza.  Chocolate.  A really good salad.  Chocolate.  Tacos.  Chilli in the winter!!!


Do you get along with your parents?  Yes.


Have you ever been convicted of a crime?  Thankfully I should have been caught at a lot of things growing up but never was.


Chocolate or Vanilla?  Usually chocolate, but sometimes vanilla.


Croutons or Bacon bits?  Both.


Do you like to drive?  Yes, riding is boring.


Do you sleep with stuffed animals?  Lots of pillows though and my dog is my hubbie allows it.


If you could have any kind of pet, what would it be?  One that cooks, cleans, knows deep tissue massage therapy.  Yep, good pet.


Favorite alcoholic beverage?  I like a Margarita in the anytime when I go out to eat.


What is your zodiac sign?  I dunno.


Do you eat the stems of your broccoli?  Absolutely NOT.


If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?  I'm be one of those girls on Deal or No Deal.  Ha…you though I was serious didin't you.  My ideal job would be little work, lots of money.  Know any of those???


If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?  I'm fine with highlights here and there.


If you could have a tatoo, where would it be? No thank you on the pain level here.  I'm a wimp.  And they may look good at 18 but at 66?  Somehow they reinvent themselves. 

Have you ever been in love?  Yep, still am.


What is on the walls in your room?  In the bedroom.  There is a photo of me pregant and everyone signed the mat.  The are candles hanging on the walls and a picture and another picture and a small shelf with two icescaters on it.  It was a motherinlaw gift.  “Tis very tres chic.”


Write the first thing that comes to your mind: It's time to be sleeping, not blogging and my tummy's saying it's hungry.

Is your glass half empty or half full?  usually 1/2 empty, eck, i'm one of those.


What is your favorite Snapple? They have so many how does one pick?  maybe pink lemonade.


Are you righty, lefty or ambidextrous? righty!


Do you type with your fingers on the correct keys? After years of typing class I drive my Pecking hubbie nuts with the fingers flying across the keys.


If you could be any gardening tool what would it be?  The little gardening shovel.  I like to dig deep!

What is under your bed?  My husbands travel bags, my dog, sometimes my cat, my neck roll and anything Sparky has dragged under there (chewed up toys, a sock, some underwear)

What is your favorite number?  Don't really have one.


What is your favorite color?  Blue


What was your first car? A Montecarlo and a big old brown boat of a car (station wagon).  It must have held 30 people, no problem


What is your dream car?  You're gonna die.  A fully loaded custom van with leather seats.

Favorite sport to watch?  Basketball or Show Jumping.

Say one thing nice about the person who tagged you:  She seems to me to be the sweetest, kindest person you'd ever want as a friend.  And she's REAL!!


Now who do you tag?  Anyone who would like to share somethings about themselves.  WE love reading it!!




  1. kindredspiritMom says:

    Loved your comment about kitty’s sleeping habits! Misty just walks on Nathan’s head in the morning but prefers to sleep on my legs. It’s nice in the winter but hard to roll over at night with a fat cat on your legs. I enjoyed reading your tag answers. I wish you lived closer ~ we could shop and waste calories together 🙂 Shhhh…don’t tell my family but I made smores for myself last night as I was blogging at 11:00 pm. And that after a day of careful low-carb dieting, protein shakes, salmon dinner. But I guess it’s better than having smores after a Big Mac and fries. Never skimp on dessert….

  2. thewestiecrew says:

    This was a pretty cool tag, wasn’t it! Just as I suspected, we have a ton in common. 😉 I lol at the margarita thing. 🙂

    Gayle 🙂

  3. nsremom says:

    I answered your tag call….you’re mentioned in it. 😉

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