Bye Bye Birdie

We took our baby Robin to the Wildlife Rescue people today.  It was so much fun having him but I'm glad to have the responsibility of feeding him taken away.  The Rescue people will teach him to feed himself so that he will survive on his own.  I think each time I see a Robin now I'll think of him.

Here are some pictures from today.  Each of the boys took turns holding him before we left to meet Amy from Wildlife Rescue.  Then the little guy wouldn't stay in his box while we were driving to meet her so I've got a picture of him on the dashboard.  I know, Nancy, you're thinking I carry my camera EVERYWHERE, but really I don't.

Oh, did I tell you we found out he really is a “HE”?  Male robins have white on their breasts and white rings around their eyes. 

God Speed little guy!


Amy from wildlife rescue.


  1. Julie, that was an awesome experience for your boys. Allen really enjoyed the pictures. He’s now hoping we can find a baby bird to feed…..ahhh…..not sure if that will happen 🙂

    I always enjoy your pictures. You do seem to always have your camera with ya lol…

    Have a blessed weekend~Kelly

  2. Canadagirl says:

    That must have been such a wonderful experince for you and your family. I don’t know if I would have known what to do. What memories these kids are going to have.Thank you for posting on my blogg. 🙂

    You have a very beautiful family.

    In Him,


  3. tn3jcarter says:

    Maybe not EVERYWHERE, but I bet it goes 99% of places with you. You are a camera junkie my friend. If you had to miss a Kodak moment, you’d go into the shakes…. don’t deny it! asalksjdkjfdlkjslkdjflksjdlkfj

    That’s alright though, your kids will just have more pictures than professional models! Ha!

    Glad that you all got to have that neat robin experience. That’s so neat to help keep a little one alive like that.

    Love, Nancy

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