
Today we used the Phonics materials I downloaded from Montessori Inspired Homeschool for the first time.  Here's my 6 year old working on three letter words with a's and e's.  After he put the words together we wrote them on paper.  Next he'll try the words without the key and when he can spell all the pink cards we'll move on to the next color coded ones.

These are the words we worked on.

Here he is spelling the words using the key as needed.

A close up.

And here are the letters I downloaded, cut and laminated with this wonderful Xyron Clear Laminate Roll I found on sale at Stuffmart.  I love that stuff!  No machine needed.  It's like a giant roll of duct tape.  (notice the vowels are red and the consenants are blue and yes the d is missing.  gotta get them in there!)

Go check out The Sellers Family Homeschool blog.  She's got a lot of wonderful ideas especially if you like hands on Montessori type stuff.

I downloaded some activities for my 4 year old too and he loves them.  We're working on the Smiley Face Matching right now. 

Have fun!


  1. That is so so neat, i love it – you go girl!

  2. Hi Julie,

    It looks like lots of learning is taking place. I love the hands on part of hsing. I miss the teaching littles to read and do math. So enjoy that little guy and think of me lol….


  3. 3menandalittlelady says:

    You always have so many neat things to share!! And lots of great pictures!! Bless your day!


  4. jaminacema says:

    Thanks for sharing this. I am going to have to check this out!

  5. eyecorn says:


    This is EXACTLY what I need for DD!! Thank you so much for posting this. I have to check out that laminating stuff. I was just eyeballing a no-heat laminating machine, but didn’t want to spend the money….this sounds easier and cheaper.

    You have such great ideas!

  6. juliengeorgia says:

    I just wanted to thank you for putting this link on your blog….it looks cool. I have downloaded alot and I am excited about using them with my boys!

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