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I'm a parent AGAIN!
After 4 children, 2 cats, 1 foster cat, 1 dog, and 1 fish I am now the proud parent of Mikey Mouse……

Aren't we, as homeschool moms, supposed to have 27 animals, 15 kids and a garden?  Well, I'm on my way.  HomesteadBlogger look out!!!

All kidding aside…my oldest got to bring home one of the baby mice (rats) from school.  They have one black mouse and two white ones.  Apparently the two white ones are male and female and many baby piglet looking things were born a couple of weeks ago.  That's when the “Mom, can I have a rat?” started.  After discussing it with dad we decided it was cheaper than a dog (which he's been asking for).  One pup in the house is enough for me. 

So, we're off on the journey of raising and hand training a baby mouse.  I think “Mikey the Mouse” will be easier to stomach than “Ralph the Rat”, don't you?

Here's his home…

…complete with little boy finger prints, toilet paper they use for nesting, a water bottle suspended by a coat hanger, wooden chew sticks to keep their teeth a little dull, metal food bowl so they won't chew the bowl up, pine shavings NOT cedar (which can be bad for them) and books on for weight positioned on top so the kitties don't make a meal out of him.  I don't think they have discovered him yet.

And it's storming again tonight so I have two little boys curled up on the futon in my new office.  We moved the boys upstairs into the loft and I got their old room.  It's so cozy.  I love it.  I sit in here at night and play Christian music, read blogs and research homeschool material for next year.

Here are the kiddos curled up end to end on the futon.

Well, pray the kitties don't get Mikey.  And I've got one kitty missing right now.  Pray he comes home safely.

Exploring rat-dom


  1. Julie, you are a better mama than I! We do have 1 dog, 2 kitties and 1 bunny. I don’t do rodents well LOL. Buddy does bring 1-3 mice to the door each night….however they are dead and usually decapitated 🙂

    Have a blessed evening. Snuggle those cuties on that futon~Kelly

  2. Wow, i love it!! I hear rats are really very good pets. -**Lord, please lead the lost one home safely** I bet the kids will love them. **Lord, help the mom to persevere with joy** The boys look so comfy, how cute they are. I looked for info to tell me where the butterflies go . . . alas, i could find nothing, so i think they duck in under a leaf and ride it out. And i would love to share insights with you as often as our Sovereign Loving Gracious Merciful Most High brings them our way.

    Hope you have a wonderful night. His peace and grace be with you and your household. I so enjoy visiting your blog 🙂

  3. kindredspiritMom says:

    Stewart Little look out 🙂 My daughters thought Mikey was adorable. I told them they can’t have one…we have two cats and two guinea pigs after many years of hamsters, a brief attempt at keeping a fish alive, a foster chinchilla and some tadpoles. I guess it is a homeschool thing ~ I do wish I could have a horse someday, maybe a baby lamb, a couple of chickens. I have homestead envy that I must repent of everytime I go on that sight. It is probably because I grew up in an apartment in NYC. The proverbial grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, especially when there was no grass and no fence until I was 11. Okay…way too much information for a comment. I almost forgot, before i go, my heart was really warmed imagining your kids falling asleep to my blog music!! Thanks for telling me 🙂

  4. frogiggie89 says:

    You were one of the winners on my blog! Please send me your address and I’ll get your HSB T-shirt out. 🙂



  5. ChathamMommy says:

    First the three boys, 1 girl thing (although you have a head start). Now we both have rats! (We go ahead and call ours rats. There’s just no mistaking it *laugh*). However, if you wanted one, I could’ve brought you one. Or nine. Miss Heidi has about that many hiding in her cage.

    Hurrah! Another brave HSB mom with a rat in the house!

    *dance dance*


  6. grace4gayle says:

    Your rat is so cute! We’ve been battling varmints in our house so cute is cute, when it’s at YOUR house. (ha-ha). (read my Knight in shining armor post and you’ll see why.)


  7. jaminacema says:

    I would draw the line at a rat! LOL We have 3 kids, 2 cats, a dog and a bunch of fish. My kids would love a rat I am sure! I’m looking forward to hearing how the raising of Mikey goes!

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