Mickey the Mouse Tragedy

Well, we experienced our first mouse tragedy.  The 6 year old squeezed him too tight while trying to pick him up this morning and he's dead.  At first, he wouldn't tell me what happened but I could tell that he'd done something so after a little gentle proding he confessed.

So hopefully there are more left for us to get another one and also his older brother will extend the grace needed.



  1. OreoSouza says:

    Oh that poor little one! Oh, I feel so sorry for him. That’s a very hard thing. You are a good mom. You really are.

  2. ChathamMommy says:

    Oh, poor little 6-year-old! If it helps any, you can tell him that my then-high-school-aged sisters did something similar when they were MUCH older than he is. It’s easy to do with a squirmy little rodent. *hugshugshugs*

    If you can’t find a replacement, I’m sure I could manage a road trip with a replacement or two. Or nine.

    I’ll send up a few prayers for him (and his big brother) today. 🙂


  3. authorDonna says:

    Our middle one tried to catch a wild mouse to make into a pet. Her aim was quite precise enough and she squished the poor critter. Oh the trials we face.

    Thanks for posting on my site. I don’t think my hubby would be very happy if I moved in with you but feel free to pick my brain (there’s not much of it left after home teaching but you can have what there is). Don’t be too overwhelmed with home schooling. I don’t regret our decision to home teach one bit.

  4. I’m so sorry for your loss and what a way for the little critter to go. I thought you were so brave for even having a mouse and to lose him like that. We’ll be praying for you and your kids.

  5. carrielouise says:

    How sad. We had hamsters for awhile, and that was always a fear of mine. Carrie

  6. Oh Julie, how sad. Your son must feel horrible! My brother and sister killed my hamster once. They didn’t squeeze it, they played CATCH with it! Can you imagine LOL.

    I hope you get another one. I suppose at least they didn’t witness the cat murdering it…..


  7. Oh, Julie, I’m so sorry! I hope your little guy recovered. I know this can be so traumatic! When DS was in a church kindergarten program. It was our turn to care for the class bunny, DH and DS fed t too much spinach and poor thing died.It was devastating for DS….so, I hope your son is doing ok with it.

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