
Here's our first attempt at lapbooks.  My 6 year old and my 4 year old did them today.  We had fun.  Tomorrow we are adding the acrostic of our names and our family trees.  All thanks to this homeschool mom.  I love stealing ideas!!!!


  1. Titus2woman says:

    I clicked on your blog from the HSB homepage because I LOVE your pic!!! I am also loving your blog! 🙂 We also have three knights and a princess! (((((HUGS)))) sandi

  2. It looks so creative and DOable. I could DO that kind of craft. You might have inched me closer to actually doing one. I keep reading about crafty moms doing ’em and I think….Looks to hard! What fun it must have been coming up with things he likes/ has done.

  3. WaitingontheLord says:

    Aren’t they so much fun?!?

    We just finished our first lapbook. We’re doing Five In A Row, and did a lapbook to remember everything we learned. DD had a blast doing it!

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