just in case you think things aren't REAL around here….

i thought i'd share the day with you….

  1. 7 year old threw fit.  kept him home from montessori school and in his pj's in the bed all day as consequence.
  2. 2 year old spent entire morning saying “no mama”
  3. left poor hubbie with 7 year old meltdown and 2 year old screaming as i trudged off to yoga
  4. had to call the montessori school to let them know why dear 7 year old wasn't at school
  5. spent almost 2 hours in the dentist's office getting 7,6,4 year old's teeth clean (me too).  only one cavity in 7 year old.
  6. handled new mousey with much success today (all of us did) but got pooped on too.

and overall a good day!  no broken bones, only two bloody body parts requiring bandaids on 4 year old, hubbie made most of our dinner and it's 10pm and i'm in the bed.

so nighty night.
sleep tight.


  1. Whew! Your day wore me out!!! Glad you were able to get to bed at a decent hour and get some rest 🙂

  2. tallenmomof5 says:

    What a beautiful family you have! Truly, how blessed are you?!

    We had a similar situation to your mouse story involving my then 2 year old daughter and some newborn kittens. I was at work and my poor dh fell asleep on the couch- he was devestated when he woke up to the “sleeping” kittens.

    We don’t do pets anymore… 🙁

    I loved your cactus story. I never even thought of trying to grow a cactus, how cool!

    I really enjoyed reading your blog.



    (mother of 1 prince and 4 princesses)

  3. tallenmomof5 says:

    I’d love to work out that arranged marriage deal with you, that takes all the stress out of dating/courtship later! LOL! Now to get that last girl of mine married off…hmmm…. I better go back out to that random blog world and find her a hubby, she is almost 5 months old- time’s a wastin’.

    thanks for the laugh!


    soon to be in-law

  4. ChathamMommy says:

    Hey, wait! Why does Julie get all the girls?? I have three boys and a princess, too. *laugh* Oh, wait. She was here first. Okay, I’ll take the leftovers. *duck*

    Sorry. I have had Mt Dew today and am, well, a bit hyper. LOL. No wonder I don’t let the kids (or, normally, me) have caffeine.

    **hughughughughug** I think that was one hug for each thing I could sympathize with. 😉 Okay, my princess doesn’t say “No, Mommy” yet, but Prince Dannyboy does.

    Can I stay home in bed in my PJs the next time your 7yo is bad and he can come clean my house?

    Hope today goes better. 🙂

    Off to look up an arranged marriage…

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