Blog find of the day

Yes, I stole this idea from here and I love it.  Go and welcome this new little one into our world.


  1. I love your blog! All the pix and so well put together. I love to scrapbook, but I haven’t mastered all the computer stuff. I feel like I just mastered my photo editing software, now I need to move on to my blog. I read your 100 things about me and love it! I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to add you to my friends list because your blogs are so interesting to me. My DD was a breath of fresh air as well. I was an only girl and my DH has no sisters. My DS is fun, but DD is so fascinating to me. Enjoy each moment with your DD they grow up way too fast! As soon as I figure out how to create a transport I am all over scrapbooking with you. I’m in CA and the scrapbooking bug does not exist in the same way as it does in the midwest or eastern part of the US.

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