The day after one of those days

Today was a better day.  My hubbie came home last night.  I'm as sore as the dickens from yoga yesterday.  We actually got a little school done today.  Friends came over and played.  The weather was beautiful.  I got the boys new bathroom primed for paint tomorrow.  We started our first “living book” today.  I hope my children develop the love of reading and writing that I have.  My sinus infection is finally beginning to feel like it's ending.  Yippee! 

Thanks for everyone's encouragement.  It's so nice to have others who know exactly how I feel. 

On Tuesday night we read in Genesis about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden.  It really hit me for the first time how God walked in the garden looking for Adam after he and Eve had eaten the apple.  My kids pointed it out to me.  “Mom, you mean we once got to see God?”  I had to think about it for a minute.  Then answered, “Yes, I guess we did.  If God was walking in the garden I would imagine Adam and Eve could see Him.  Now whether or not He was in the form of Jesus, I don't know but He made man (and woman) and wanted a relationship with them.” 

Can you imagine walking with God?  WOW!!!!  I know as Christians we use the term “walking with the Lord” a lot but have you ever thought about physically walking with God?  I mean, that's too cool!!!

Then tonight my oldest was riding his skateboard.  He's just learning (see pics below) and he's started to go higher and higher up our driveway (it's slanted) as he's becoming comfortable with his ability.  I was showing him how to turn by shifting his weight (yes, I got on that thing.  I actually was once really good but that was QUITE some time ago…don't laugh at the imagine in your head.)  As he started back up the driveway I mentioned he might want to try his new skill on a flat surface first.  He said, “It's okay mom, I'm not scared.  God is right beside me.  He'll protect me.”

What can a mom say but OKAY SON. 
Oh what a big boy.  I've noticed such a difference in him since his baptism last Sunday night.  I admit I've struggled with him accepting Jesus at such an early age.  The “was it real?” questions running through my mind.  But God has given me evidence over and over again of my son's transformation.  HE is so faithful.  I love you God!!!

Well, back to the Genesis story. 
So we read in our devotional about how Satan can hide in things that look good.  And it was neat to be able to relate it to the story about Adam and Eve.  So after our devotional we drew pictures of how Satan can hide in seemingly attractive things.  Here's an example.

You have to read from right to left but it says “Satan can hide in pretty things.”  I helped middle son draw the vase and the snake but he did most of the rest of it.  Isn't it cool?

Well, I guess I better quit rambling.  This has ended up much longer than I intended and my pillows are calling my name.  Below are some pictures of oldest son on the skateboard.

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  1. Julie:

    I’m sorry I haven’t been by all week!! Sounds like you had a full week. Hope you are feeling better. I love the Satan hides activity! DD has been asking about the devil…the picture of the serpent in the flowers would be a great representation for her. You have such wonderful projects! Did you get on that skateboard…wow! You are a cool mom!

    Have a great weekend.


  2. kindredspiritMom says:

    I wish that God could bodily walk into my laundry room with me ~ even the angels fear to tread 🙂 I have always loved songs like Sandy Patti’s “We Shall See Him as He is” because I am reminded that we will see Him, and touch Him and know Him even better than they did in the garden. I’m so glad that you had a better day today.

    Blessings on your week-end,


  3. Hearts4home says:

    Just had to comment.. linked over from Dandelion Seeds.. and glad I did! You have a great sense of humor. I am still learning so much about this blogging.. website stuff. You do a great job! God bless!

  4. nsremom says:

    I really liked reading your blog today. We all got a good glimpse into your life. And we BLOG readers are so nosey!!!

    But, you’re right…I cracked a smile when you were telling your boy how to ride the skateboard. LOL. That’s just to funny. And then to admit that you knew how to do it from ages ago. LOL again. That was even funnier. You just look to cute to be hopping on a skateboard!

    And that was so cool about your son’s response to your worries. God IS right beside him. Isn’t that the truth!

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