Marble Painting and School Under the Kitchen Table

If you haven't visited this website you MUST.  This is one creative and fun homeschool mom.  I think I read everything she's ever written last night and promised to steal ALL her ideas.  The one I stole for today was MARBLE PAINTING.  Her blog about it can be found here as well as instructions.

Here's our masterpieces…

Although I am suffering the worst head cold in the world we had a fun day.  School today was really a blast.  My oldest made a pillow last night so of course the other two had to make one today (I'll post those pics later).  Off to Stuffmart we went for more material.  And I bought felt.  See why here at Felt  Mama's website.  Stuffmart had a lot marked down to 10cents/sheet.  I'm stealing another of Jene's projects for tomorrow.

Oh….before I forget.  Stuffmart has all their children's gloves and hats marked down to $2.  I bought for next year.  If you happen to live in an area that's always cold so they NEVER put anything on sale email me the size of your kids and I'll go get them for you and mail them.  You can send a check.  This is too good a deal to pass up.  Most of the gloves I bought were waterproof and normally $7.

Back to today….
Here's my “School Under the Kitchen Table” segment of the morning…..

It's amazing what the world looks like on your tummy in the middle of the kitchen floor. 

Happy American Idol day to all….


  1. Anonymous says:

    I am so honored that you enjoy my blog! Your marble paintings came out awesome. Isn’t it FUN! We marble painted today too! The under the table pics are great. Your floor is WAY cleaner than mine! LOL Thanks free advertisement!

  2. jaminacema says:

    The anonymous post was from me…Sorry!

  3. Julie, you always have the most adorable pictures!!!! I just had to tell ya that 🙂 Now the guys just pulled in the driveway. Guess my computer time is up for a bit. Night!

  4. FarmGirlShelley says:

    That looks like so much fun!! How are things? Is it warm down there? It was 40 here today, not too bad! Hope you are all well. God Bless!

  5. thewestiecrew says:

    Cool pictures, Julie! I hope that you get to feeling better soon, it is so hard to school while you are feeling bad. Kudos to you for doing such a good job of it, though!

    Gayle 🙂


    And great ideas. Don’t you just love getting all of these great ideas from other bloggers?!

  7. I think I might be afraid of what I might find under MY kitchen table!

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