Feeling better

Well, I think I'm finally on the upside of this “YUCK” I've had.  Praise God.  I'm not pregnant.  That's a relief and also a “Oh, I love babies.”  It's also a confirmation that we heard God correctly when we decided we were done having babies.  I had a lot of babies in a short amount of time and my body needs to recover.

We started late….I was 32 when we first got pregnant and within the next few years we had four children under the age of six.  At one time we had three in diapers.  I know a lot of you with large families or children close together can relate. 

My first two are 13 months apart, then there is a 19 month gap between the second and third child and a 26 month gap between my third and fourth child. 

I love my kids.  I love babies.  And I am really looking forward to enjoying the growing time with my kids.  I was adopted so I'm open to that too.  I have visions of a sweet little bundle arriving on my doorstep one morning instead of the paper.  Silly, huh??

I do know that this ole body is tired.  I need to rebuild, replenish and enjoy what God has blessed me with.

So here's my youngest son and the always present trains around the house.  I think this one is Gordon. 

And here's the Conductor of the train and the photographer of Gordon……………(can you say Fake Cheese?)

And here's “baby girl” feeding herself and her baby some eggs this morning…..

Look at that red little thumb.  That's the one that sees lots of action in the mouth.  She loves sucking that thumb.

Thanks for all you who've prayed for me to feel better.  I think I'm finally feeling human again.



  1. DandelionSeeds says:

    Glad you’re feeling better… haven’t hit the stage of knowing we’re done yet, however… (tee hee). Thanks for sharing the pics!



  2. Jedi4sweet says:

    These photos are just adorable!!!!! = D Your kids are such cutie-pies!!! ;- }

  3. OreoSouza says:

    Great photos! Your kids look like they are really fun people.

    “Fake cheese”. I love it!! LOL

  4. I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    Should I admit that we have had at least one in diapers since 1995, and that our last 8 children arrived in a 10 and a half year span. LOL (There were 3.5 years between the first two).

    Speaking of psycho birds, we used to have a mockingbird that would start talking everytime our halogen outdoor motion detection light would go on outside at night. Poor confused thing thought it was daylight.

    I am redoing some things on my blog too, after finding out it loads too slowly for dial-up people. Come give me your opinion on the font 🙂

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