Being scared at night and thinking outside the box…

Recently my 7 year old has gotten up at night and says he is scared.  When we inquire as to what he’s scared of he says he’s scared men will come in the house and get him.  After the usual soothing, then dishing out consequences for waking us up several times a night, then allowing him to sleep in the floor of our room my husband got up last night and read Scripture to him.  He seemed to be able to go back to sleep without too much trouble after that.


So today God gave me the idea to put scripture around his bed.  So as my husband looked up scripture on the computer I dug into the concordance.  And we came up with several that seemed to work.  I had my 7 Year old draw pictures on cardstock and I wrote the scripture below.  Then we taped them on his bed.  Here’s the finished result.  I hope this might give some of you who may struggle with the same thing a neat idea.  IN HIM..Julie

Stars and “night time” picture to go with the Scripture

God watching over Joshua as he sleeps.

A face that's scared with a cross mark over it and pictures of birds for the scripture “Do not be afraid” and “He cares for us more than the birds” from Exodus and Luke.

Our really big angel with really big swords and big ole boots to stomp Satan.  Those yellow things on the side are wings.  And that little fuzzy looking thing on the bottom of the page with a really little sword is Satan.  I think this one was Luke 2:10 for those of you who wanted to know.


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Some book that I read said that kids tent to go through these *scary* phases when they are developing new skills,etc… Kind of like they are trying to get a grasp on what they can control and what they can’t. It’s so good to remind our kids that God is in control and protecting us!

  2. Another good idea by Julie. When you write your book titled “Great Mommy Ideas By Julie”, I will be first in line to buy it. I’m doing this for my Jared and Hala tomorrow. Thanks.

  3. feistytrio says:

    to help the little ones apply scripture to their lives, and to help them “feel” God’s love and protection.

  4. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Mamishelle says:

    That is such a cool idea. I hate to admit it but at 25 years old I am still afraid of the dark. Nights when my husband is away I have taken to sleeping with my Bible so when I wake up scared ( I have terrible nightmares) I cant open my Bible up and read until I feel better. Your son is in my prayers and KUDOS to you for being such a AWESOME mom and coming up with such a great way to combine teaching scripture and comforting your son. Take Care and God Bless.-Mishelle

  6. I just wrote down all the verses you used and am going to have my resident ‘artist’ do the same thing for our youngest. She has major nightmare/night terror issues. What a smart idea. Plus, some kids are more visual than others and the pictures are good reminders.


  7. That is a GREAT idea, thanks for sharing.

    As far as where I blog more, I’d probably pick here:)

    God Bless,


    PS~ It just took me a little time to get here.

  8. This is such a great idea!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! I agree about you writting a book! Just don’t stop sharing here! =^) I look forward to your great ideas!!

  9. That was a perfect idea!! I may have to borrow that idea. Lately, DD has to be in the same room as me. If I’m downstairs or in the garage for just a few minutes and she is left alone, she thinks I left her and something bad will happen. Who knows how these thought processes get there…bless their hearts.


  10. DandelionSeeds says:

    LOVE this! Thanks so much for sharing! What a great idea!

    As for your comment on my blog… the Math-U-See workbook is just black and white… but the blocks are all colorful. It’s got a wonderful foundation with it as well so there’s a complete understanding that goes with it. The kids color the pictures in the workbooks (I use colored pencils) so it becomes colorful…

    check out my blog later… I’m working on a comment to post right now to explain more.



  11. My son is sad because he keeps getting angry with his siblings. He doesn’t want to feel this way, so I suggested your idea, but related to his problem. I’m working on it now, but I just wanted to let you know. Thanks!

    God Bless,


  12. hometoteach says:

    Super idea! When my oldest was six, we did something similar, hung a pic on her ceiling and she made a book of comforting prayers and verses and pictures to keep under her pillow!

    Your blog is wonderful, and what an adorable family you are! 🙂

    Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog last night!

  13. OurHappyFamily says:

    I just might have to use this one. Very clever. Thanks for sharing!

  14. These pics are GREAT~! I still haven’t figured out how to do that on my blog yet. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing. This will surely bless thousands. Our 12 yo still comes in from time to time with nightmares. I think this might be her next art project! =)

  15. I like how you had your child color the pictures for the verses. Several weeks ago, my son Matthew was getting scared at night. We talked to him and prayed with him and told him to sing Psalms till he went to sleep. It was sweet to hear the sound of his small voice comforting himself with God’s Word.

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