Well, we survived two being sick with vomiting and fever.  Thankfully no one else has gotten it.  I pray God's hand of protection over the rest of us.  Saturday I am supposed to fly to California to meet up with my hubbie for a few days of fun and relaxation.  We have a friend keeping the kids and a babysitter helping too.  I can't wait to email you pictures from Palm Springs.  Ahhh….what will I do for 4 days without kids?  It'll probably take me that long to decompress.

We began the mini unit study posted in TOS Unit Study E-Newsletter about the OLYMPICS.  Middle son really seemed to enjoy it.  We talked about Italy, colored Italian and American flags,  talked about 4 words that relate to the Olympics and practiced spelling them.  It was fun.  I look forward to tomorrow.  I want to buy a globe but decided to settle on a small one from Stuffmart for now.  Does anyone have a really great one they like?  I also want a world map to put on the wall.  Any suggestions there?? 

Here's a cool website I ran across today
Patriotic and Flag Stuff for KIDS

Thanks to all of you who prayed for our healing.


  1. Happyhome says:

    I’m so glad someone found me! ;o)

    We have 3 knights and a pricess too…in the same order as you! Isn’t it fun to see the differences?

    Hope no one else comes down with the bug and that your time away with dh is blessed.

    As for your trackback question…I’m still trying to figure them out myself. Apparently the template I’m using does not have the trackback code in it, so Amy Beth of MySmokyMtnHomeschool is helping me figure it out. She left me a great link to a to an article she has written on the subject. Here’s the link.

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog.



  2. Hi Julie,

    I pray you’re all healthy and you have a fabulous time with your honey! If you have to ask what you’ll do with your dh w/out kids for 4 days, it’s been too long since you’ve been alone lol.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I think kids in general just like to dwaddle. I’d have thought that by 15 he’d be done dwadling, but he has always been slow as molasses. At least molasses is sweet 🙂 and so is he.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Glad you guys are healthy again. 🙂

    And I came here specifically to tell you that I see you all over the blogs, sending encouraging, loving comments, winning that calendar for BrokenMom, just being an angel of encouragement to so many ladies.

    I think you are wonderful. You remind me of your Father.

    Edited by OreoSouza on Jan. 31, 2006 at 12:31 AM

  4. thewestiecrew says:

    Oh Julie! It is so hard when everyone is that sick. Praise the Lord that you all are on the mend.

    I have been trying to come to your blog for awhile, but for some reason I can never get it to pull up…..I finally did today, but it took 20 minutes and I can’t figure out why. 🙁 I do love your blog, though…and I will certainly see if I can get to the bottom of this~lol!

    Have a great day!

    Gayle 🙂

  5. abetterjulie says:

    Wow…you must be very excited about your vacation! I wish you the best of weather and worry free times on your trip!

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