God’s Creatures

This is so amazing…

A friend emailed this to me today.  I just had to share it. 
God never ceases to amaze me with HIS wonderful creation.  Clink
on the link below for a wonderful photo documentary of baby
hummingbirds being born, nurtured, and taking flight.



  1. Thanks for sharing that website. It was really neat!

  2. I may be biased, but who cares. Let me join others who have been blesssed by Julie’s on-line journal and say that she is truly an amazing woman. I get the honor of watching her manage the house, teach our kids and take care of an often hard to live with husband and still crank out God-inspired stories that touch the hearts and the funny bones of many. If there was an annual award (and there should be) for mother and wife of the year, she would get my vote and commitment to campaign for her. Here’s to you baby!


  3. HomeSchooling4Jesus says:

    So neat! Thank you for sharing this. =o)

  4. Hi Julie, I am pleading with all my blog friends to pray for a buyer for our home th is weekend as we have an open house on sat & sunday. Our offer deadline on the farm is coming fast. Thanks so much! Leslie <><

  5. 3feistykids says:

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. WOW!!! That is SO NEAT!! WE have a hummingbird feeder on out front porch and hummingbirds come there sometimes (when the cats aren’t under it!). I showed those pictures to my brother and sister. They thought those pictures were neat too! Thanks for posting them!

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