Life's never boring at our house!!

I'm not exactly sure what this picture says about me as a mom OR the imagination of my children (one in particular) BUT I captured my youngest son on the couch last night with his body crammed into my office trashcan playing with one of our 16 month old's toys.



  1. eclecticchaos says:

    LOL, what a boy thing to do!!!

  2. oh my heavens that’s hilarious!!

    i love it.


    ps thanks for stopping by my blog page.


  3. momof3feistykids says:

    kids that age love being *in* things – boxes, laundry baskets … whatever. What an adorable little boy, and a funny picture!

  4. tn3jcarter says:

    Jon has the same t-shirt as Luke does in your big picture on top. Great minds think alike, huh? Leave it to you to catch the boy in the trash can on film. Our boys played championship football games this weekend and we didn’t even manage to get a camera there. I figure I’m just going to have to keep writing everything down since I’m not going to have any pictures to remember things with! UGH!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Some of my favorite photos are of my little boys in assorted strange containers…including the kitchen sink and on the open dishwasher door. . . .

    Thanks for visiting my Entrepreneurs blog. You mentioned that you're thinking of writing a book, so be sure to check out my Writing Tips blog as well. I haven't posted there very often yet, but I intend to crank it up soon.


    Mary Jo Tate

    Edited by WritingTips on Oct. 8, 2005 at 8:51 PM

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