Hello again!!

We just returned home from a visit to NC to
see my family.  It was a great visit AND it feels so good to be
home.  My husband is fast asleep beside me.  My cat is curled
up on the other side…..(I'm supposed to be asleep)…..

It's times like these I ponder the fact that Jesus had no home while he
lived here on earth.  Can you imagine how much we'd long for home
after sleeping under trees and in stranger's homes?  I know Jesus
was God but he was also fully human.  The human side of Jesus must
have longed for home, a place to retreat after a long day of
ministry.  We long for our physical homes when we've been away for
just a short while, but Jesus was in HEAVEN….with GOD.  Excuse
me if I say WOW!!!  Can you imagine longing for that kind of
home???  My little brain just can not wrap around that. 

Family can mean so much.  The older I get the more I feel like my
family is the body of believers.  I feel I've been blessed with a
wonderful family in Christ.  The believers I fellowship with are
such great folks.  I have a wonderful family who raised me and a
few years ago God blessed me by allowing me to meet my birth
family.  I was adopted at the ripe old age of 8 weeks old and grew
up in NC with loving parents.  It's been a real journey to meet
another mom, another dad and 4 additional siblings. 

This weekend was full of family and wonderful fun things for the
kids.  We played football, played at the park, rode the train at
the park, attended a college football game, swam at an indoor pool, and
visited with my family.  The kids had a great time with their
cousins.  I even got a few minutes to let my sister (the expert
hairdresser in the family) rip out some facial hair.  Who invented eyebrow waxing anyway?????  Had to be a man. 

No matter how wonderful the trip what is it about coming home? 
It's like putting on your favorite pair of blue jeans. Familiar. 
Comfortable.  Wonderfully you.

As I enjoy all the comforts of my earthly home this evening I am aware,
once again, of my longing for my heavenly home.  This place is
just a pitstop along God's eternal plan for my life.  As much as
my kids enjoyed the park and all the activities of the weekend I can't
wait to see what God has planned me when I come home!!!

Guess I better join my husband, cat and kids in La La Nighty Night land…..

Good night


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    I so think of that song, “I Can Only Imagine”. It’s just got to be the most fabulous wonderful feeling to be in the presence of our Creator, Saviour, Lover of our Souls and Friend. We love our little spot out here in the country and I still get sentimental just driving out here and enjoying the scenery, but oh heaven is going to be so much more than this. It’s going to be so good to see Him face to face and I’m pretty sure he’s going to have us as neighbors up there too! : )

    Love you all!

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