Auburn Football

My husband and two oldest sons (ages 6 and 5) took off this morning to Auburn, Alabama for their very first college football game together.  My husband graduated from Auburn and is a HUGE fan.



I think his life long dream as an Auburn fan and a dad has been to take HIS BOYS to an Auburn Football Game.  He's called me about three times already from the car.  He told me they had stopped at the Waffle House (a place mom refuses to eat) for an “all boy toasting session” with orange juice.  “Yea football!!”  “Yea Auburn!!”   I just have to imagine what all the people in the Waffle House thought of them this morning.  My husband and boys are staying with one of his old college teachers.  I think that aspect of the trip is really exciting for the boys…imagining their dad doing something other than being a daddy.  I mean, “weren't we always parents”??


At the dinner table last night I was informed that my husband plans on droping quite a bit of money at the local store Tiger Rags.  I mean every boy MUST have a jersey, a hat, and something to shake at the game.  I'm sure they will come home with something for my 3 year old son and 1 year old daughter as well.  He asked if I wanted anything (does time in Aruba all alone with my husband count?).


It's so neat to see my husband do something he's always wanted to do.  I hope the tales from their adventure are as grand as his expectations.  And for all you Auburn fans out there




  1. Leading those poor innocent impressionable children into that mess Auburn calls football!!!! I know that Tripp is going to have an awesome time. You'll have to let us know if 5 & 6 year old boys really can be content through a college football game and if Tripp can enjoy it while trying to keep them entertained! I sat through 2 football games this morning. You've got so much to look forward to. : )


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