When we are tired…

…..life feels harder.

…..decisions feel overwhelming.

…..my temper is short.

…..I don’t like to be argued with.

…..I wish I had a cook.

…..I prefer peace over commotion.

…..I press into The Father more than ever.

…..I want to cry more often.

…..I have to make me take care of me.

…..I wish both me and my husband weren’t tired at the same time.

I recall a very wise person teaching me the acronym HALT.  If I am Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired do not make decisions; big decisions anyway.

So today I will rest.  In Him.  Physically and Emotionally.  Be Blessed today.


  1. Julie, sometimes you just have to take a deep breath, drop back ten and punt. Dad

  2. I don’t remember who taught you the HALT thing, but I remember YOU telling ME about it. :O)

    I wish we were closer so we could share life together like our days at the yellow house, but even though we’re so far apart, I’m only a phone call away. Sounds like you’re going through some growing pains. Keep doing what you’re doing – pressing in to God. That’s always where we find rest.

    Love you.

  3. Amy Wilder says:

    I live by HALT!….was it my smart and wonderful Momma that taught us about HALT?!!! I love you and am praying for you sweet friend!

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