31 Days of Openness (Combined 2 into 1)

Yesterday I didn’t post.  Why?  Because I slept all day.  I was up to help with school, go to the dr., run an errand or two but otherwise I was in bed.

About once a month my body completely shuts down.  I know a lot of women who push through it but I have learned to listen to my body.  If I’m tired, I’m tired.  So I sleep.  It’s amazing what the next day is like when I listen to what my body is telling me.  I’m usually refreshed and energized and feel so much better.

It’s taken me a long time to listen to myself instead of the world.  Do I get caught up in the world sometimes?  Of course.  But I’m getting better at listening to the Holy Spirit inside of me.  He certainly knows what is best for me.

How about you?  Do you hear that still, small voice?  Do you listen to what your body is telling you?  I’m interested to know how other women approach their lives, their stress and their day to day struggles.

Sometimes a warm blanket cures all!  (See all the other 31 dayers here)
