Fred (again)

You guys have all heard about Fred, our 18 pound monster of a cat.  He’s been talked about almost as much as The Pioneer Woman’s basset hound, Charlie, here on my little ole blog.  He’s been lost since we moved to Florida, he’s had ‘dizzy kitty” syndrome, he continues to go down the storm drain and I have to drag him out each morning he’s let out at night.  I really think he’s missing a marble or two.  I have a friend who definitely thinks so, but he’s the sweetest lovingest cat around!!!  And there is a lot of him to love.

REAL LIFE MOMENT: “Did I mention I have a kid today that has about as much concentration as a grain of sand?

This morning Fred was enjoying watching an anole.

Photo taken from The Lizard Lounge

Between the squirrels, the black snake, the anoles and the birds he’s a nervous wreck some mornings while watching from inside the windows.  It is especially funny when the anoles climb right beside the window seal.  Oh how he chirps, moving his lips nervously in anticipation of catching one.  He may be big but he’s fast.  When he dashes out the door he can catch an anole and have it back inside MY HOUSE in the blink of an eye.  Lovely, huh?

Which leads me to ask the question????

What do I chirp for that is on the other side of the glass?

What am I not content with?  Where am I anxious?  When do I want to run out the door and grab something hoping no one sees?  Where am I unwilling to wait for God?

How about you?

Moving to Florida – Day 3 and 4

Day 3 and 4

Yesterday was a nice day.  We got the tire fixed on the car.  We had run over a nail somewhere.  And I found the Dollar General.  Now we have nice tacky new bath mats, trash cans and such.  See all the ugly stuff was marked down.  So that’s what I bought.  There is no sense in spending a bunch of money on things I already have in SC.

The boys made a friend yesterday.  Zach.  He’s a very big 10 year old.  Nice boy.  They swam and went fishing yesterday.  I made it to bed about 7pm and slept until 7:30 am this morning.

We found this guy yesterday.  He’s really cool.

We tried a church today.  It was really nice and had a  wonderful kids program.  Then it was home for lunch and a FL thunderstorm.  Time for a nap.

Fred has had the hardest time adjusting I think.  Cruiser took it all in stride but Fred stayed here for a few days before taking over my office chair.

This evening we went to the beach.  The kids swam, I took my camera and took not a single photo.  We went with Zach’s parents.  Both very nice.

So tomorrow Rocketman leaves for work again.

Until then…..
