Stopping in…

…to say hello! (notice anything wrong here?   Hint:  the four in the back were once ALL different heights!)

Life has been crazy since summer break began.  The day my second born got out of school we high-tailed it to Atlantic Beach, NC to vacation with my family.  We were escorted all the way up the east coast by Tropical Storm Andrea.  Literally, we were in the middle of the storm the entire 10 hour ride from Florida to North Carolina.

I packed the car in between bands of rain and wind as Rocketman worked hard to get out of the office early so we could begin our journey.  With our car top carrier firmly in place and my excellent duct tape job (so rain would not penetrate our belongings) we headed 10 hours north to be at the beach (which we live 10 minutes away from in FL).  Yea, it’s a little crazy, but I grew up going to the beach at Atlantic Beach, NC.  It’s home as far as vacation is concerned.

Saturday we awakened to a sea churning from the storm and a Blue Marlin Fishing Tournament waiting to get underway.  I love it when our trip coincides with the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament.  There was some rocky fishing all week at the wind churned the ocean like toilet water.

What a perfect time for Boys vs Ocean!

While dad takes baby girl out into the sea!

Finally on Friday, out last day, the we had a land breeze which made for excellent swells. It was the most perfect day.  The weather, the ocean, the playing, the sky…all beautifully made for us that day.

Arriving home found us dealing with an unpredictable bike accident and 7 hours in the ER on Saturday afternoon.  My sweet hubbie had quite the collision with a car door on his bicycle.  After multiple CAT scans and X-rays we were released with lots of “feel-good” meds and sent home.  He has recovered remarkably well and is working in Omaha this week.  Men!  They are like the Energizer bunny!

Then came the arrival of my good friend, Kathy, from SC.  She’s here with me now.  We’ve slept, cooked, shopped a little, slept some more and had a grand ole time doing nothing.  Friday we leave for the IMG Acadamy 7 on 7 Tournament with teams from all over the US.  My oldest is playing in the tournament and I’m photographing the event.  I can’t wait!!

I’m staring down the barrel of JULY and then another school year.  I vote for 5 months of summer instead of 2 and a half.

Who agrees?

If you are interested in a tear-jerker head on over to Scooper’s blog for her amazing 40th Birthday story…..She’s just the best!  I love you girl!

Until after Tampa and lots of football photos…….here’s my precious baby girl turning into a woman right before my eyes.  Sigh…….

Reentry and Surrender

Our week spent in Atlantic Beach, NC found us all tired for various reasons.  My hubbie had being on two week-long trips, we’d driven 10 hours to Alabama, finished school as well as football playoffs.  The North Carolina Coast is a long drive from Florida as well.  We piled into the car on Friday for another 10-11 hours of driving.  Our children are quickly outgrowing our minivan.

There was much sleeping and napping going on at the beach.  We had a great time and happened to be there when the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament was in full swing.  We went into Morehead City Monday afternoon to watch them pull in the fish that ended up winning the tournament.   Just shy of 500 lbs., the fish was a beast.  Northern winds made the last few days of fishing rough for the anglers!  Although rough at seas with swells to 10 feet those days on the beach were amazingly calm with a lake for an ocean.

We caught the cutest puffer fish from the beach and were entertained by them blowing themselves up like beach balls.

We ventured into Beaufort, NC our annual Sunset Cruise.  Since the days were barely in the 80’s the Sunset Cruise was chilly.  It felt more like winter in Florida than summer in NC.

We rented bikes and while my husband and my brother-in-law biked for fitness, my sister and I leisurely peddled around the block several times each evening.

I say all this to come to the point of reentry.  I’ve felt the burn!  You know the one…when the space shuttle reenters the earth’s atmosphere and everything looks like it’s on fire.

The ride home?  Not so fun.  The unpacking?  Ditto.  Preparing for the week?  Laundry.  Neighborhood kids.  Father’s Day.  It somehow all imploded within me to prove to be an overwhelming and frazzled day!  Monday morning has proven no better.  I need a vacation from my vacation.  Somehow I’ve gotten past today.  I’m thinking of school for next year and what we may have to do over the summer to prepare.  I’m tired and whiney.  I’m not much fun to be around so don’t come knocking on my door!  You might not like me.  I might growl.

It’s in these moments like today I beg God for his comfort and covering over emotions, hormones and all things that pull at a mommy’s heart.  I try to put things into perspective.  I slip on the attitude of gratefulness and it’s scratchy.  The pitty party gown feels much nicer.

It’s in these moments I feel so small.  Like the kids in the ocean, the storm rages around me and I try to center myself on the One and Only.  The Great I Am.  For it is only in Him my peace will return.

Then I wonder if the answer lies in throwing myself into His arms as the sea swirls around me and wait for His soft and gentle embrace that sets everything right within my heart again.


Surrender with joy.  Now that I must chew on.
