Re-entry and Thankfulness

A part of me wants to gripe about holiday reentry as I’m sure many of you are feeling it today.

The Spirit, however, is reminding me of all the blessings of the last two and a half weeks.  My husband has been home from work for a lot of the holiday season which has meant a much needed break for him and a lot of camp fires for us!!  The kids have stayed up late, watched too much tv, too many video games and we’ve all eaten too many sweets, but it’s been fun!

We have spent time with friends, had family in to visit and slept…some days ridiculously late!  We’ve played Jinga at night!  We rode around and looked at Christmas lights and ate HOT FRESH Krispy Kreme Donuts!!  We spent an afternoon in a part of Jacksonville we had yet to explore…

My parents came to visit along with my sister and her family!

We explored and got lost together downtown!  We were riding the sky ride thingie that is part of the public transportation system.  A comedy of errors, let me tell you!!

So as reentry continues to take place I find the hours flying by and this post which began this morning with so much to say has ended up as a 1:15pm post with more interruptions than I can count.

But I will not long for uninterrupted time because it’s my sweet children who interrupt me.

I was reminded today of how fleeting life is as good friends of our lost their 30 year old son last night in a car accident.  I will CHOOSE to be thankful for the Christmas and New Year break instead of concentrating on reentry.  I will bask in the few hours I have left with my kids who are coughing and barking like dogs!  And I will treat them naturally.   And I will thank my Jesus that He has given me more to do than I can because I could be alone with nothing to do.  I smile at the piles of paper on my desk that drive me nuts.  And I’ll stare at the Christmas decorations wishing Mama June were back to take them down.

Thank you friends and family for making our holidays special.

And thank you Jesus for my lot in life, my gifts, my talents and the fact that you love me more than I could ever imagine.  It’s ok to feel like a mess some days because I’m your mess.

Happy New Year Bloggy World!

Look what I just got!

By this spectacular artist:

Homeschooling to School

Ok, it drives me crazy.

I don’t know how else to put it.  School freaks me out.

They forget to turn things in.  They tell me they know the test material and made a great grade on the pre-test and then make a bad grade on the test.

And the homework!  Sometimes I find them doing it in the morning.  WHAT??  Didn’t you remember LAST NIGHT that you had this to do?

I guess after so many years of homeschooling the lack of truly knowing what they are learning and if they know it until I see THE grade drives me nuts.  Especially when there is nothing I can do about it then.  Ok, so it’s not about my lack of control is it??

Yep!  Unfortunately it is.

It’s hard to watch them do well one minute and then bad the next.  It’s a roller coaster.  Now, if only I had conscientious, studious nerd kids…….

However, I have normal, “what’s the big deal with school?”, “Is it really that big a deal, Mom?”, BOYS!!  Play in the dirt, hit someone at football practice, lets get dirty, boys!  Real kids.

They care, to some degree.  But not to the degree I care.  And where is the line between the life of hard knocks and making them study.  Doesn’t life teach consequences better than I?  After all flunking is pretty embarrassing.

Ok, no one is flunking, except maybe me.  Going from homeshooling to school is tough stuff on this mom.  It IS the life of hard knocks, of letting go, of not knowing, of hoping I did my job beforehand.

Christmas 2008….#1 son was 9 turning 10.  (My youngest son is now 11…sniff, sniff)

Thinking of the luxurious hours I’d have while my beautifully attentive children sat in class and absorbed information like a sponge was a pipe dream.  I no longer drop them off and I’m returning to gather them after laundry, cleaning, running errands and such.  It’s then the rubber meets the road as we begin the DHB Dance.  Oh, you  haven’t heard?  It’s the Dinner, Homework, Bedtime routine.  UGH!

Having known when they were little how much harder life would be when they were older I think maybe, just maybe, I would have basked in the babydom a little longer.  It felt like survival then.  Now I long for those nothing days.  Yes, I was needed in different ways then, but the days seemed full of playing in the yard, play dates at the park, the zoo, lunch in the yard, big wheels down the driveway at breakneck speeds……squeals, giggles and tears…..scraped knees, Dora bandaids and boo boo bunnies.

Naps and kitties…..

Christmas with cousins 2008….

Now it’s school, hormones, puberty, and all the things that come with teens and tweens.  Attitudes.  Moodiness.  Separateness.

And one day they will be off to college and I’ll look back at these days and think the exact same thing.  How does one develop the mindset of eternity, see things in perspective and parent with love and logic?

Well, this gal is attending a class in which I hope to learn just that ….. Love and Logic.

And I’ll share all my wisdom with you if you want.  And even if you don’t want.

It’s my blog, right?

Love your babies!!  And remind me to love mine, even though they are not babies any longer……

Happy Turkey Day everyone!

There are so many things to be thankful for this year.  My family is safe.  My husband is wonderful.  We have company coming in.

I uploaded this from my phone.  It’s my favorite rose.  I’m giving it to you guys for Thanksgiving.  Thanks for being my friends, followers, and loyal readers.  Have a fantastic Thanksgiving and a blessed day no matter where you are or what you are doing.  We’re in sunny Jacksonville but many are in snowy, chilly places!  Be warm.  Check out Camp Wander if you want some good reading over the Holidays.  Eat, sleep, be merry!  Have a blessed day!

My Stinker!

He comes through the door from school as I’m sitting at the table taking photos of flowers sent to me since my surgery.

He cracks some smart joke and prowls around the kitchen looking for food.

“What’s for dinner, Mom?”

“Aunt Lyn’s making chili.” I answer.

“What kind of chili?”


“Where is she?”

Always prepared to stick his face in front of my camera, in he pops…….he’s my stinker!


We both assumed kids in school would mean rest.

I thought it would mean easy.

God, apparently, had other plans.  It’s not easy.  And tho there is some rest, it’s not what we thought.

Some nights are ridiculously hard.  However difficult, God seems to sweep into our mess and make something beautiful out of what feels so sloppy to me.  I don’t claim to understand it or get it.  I just know He is bigger than my junk.

Raising kids isn’t for the faint at heart.  We pray, we question, we doubt, we encourage, we cry out, we breathe deeply and we try all over again.  We fail.  We scrape our knees.  We bump out heads.  Yet, we get back up and try all over again.  Because that is what parents do.

Who knew giving birth all those years ago would turn into life lessons for us and not just our babies?

For those of you that still have little ones, I know it’s hard, but breathe in the days where they are physically exhausting and not emotionally exhausting.  Sit with them.  Forget the laundry and the dishes.  Breathe in your child.  Enjoy them.  And remember, one day you will blink and they’ll be teenagers.

You can call me then!  I have a big shoulder to cry on!

Much to do about nothing…

This is one of my favorite pictures.  It was taken four years ago at the beach in NC.

There isn’t anything about the composition that makes it perfect.  It’s just the afternoon sunlight, the shadows, my child and the fact that this photo says so much about who he is.

He’s a loner at times but can hang with the best of them.  He’s content digging in the sand all by himself while life goes on around him.  He’s smart.  He’s creative.  He’s easy, for the most part.  He’s our second-born.

I could stare at the photo for hours remembering, like yesterday, our sweet time that year at the beach.

We go every year but as I look back I love the times when the kids were younger, content to play in the sand and look for pirate ships out at sea.  It goes by in the blink of an eye, it really does.

Yes, diapers and drool were difficult, but also sweet in it’s innocence and simplicity.  We had three in diapers when our third was born.  Life seemed difficult and hard but also simple as I think back.  Now, at age 12 there are more complications in life as he becomes a teenagers and faces more of our world, out from underneath the protective skirts of mama.

I long to go back to those diaper days with the knowledge I have now and soak up just one day of babydom.

I love you sweet boy!  You will forever be little in my heart!

Friends and Warm Cozzy Socks!

They grew up together.  She was pregnant with her when we moved to SC.  He was one.

She’s been like a second child to us.  We are blessed to count her parents as some of our very best friends.

We homeschooled together.  We took field trips.  We played in the cul-de-sac.  She can hang with the boys better than some boys!  She is friend to all three of mine!

Now, she and my second born are both so grown up.  On our last trip to SC we again played but this time they are bigger….growing up….no longer little guys!

Now he carries her into the pool.  ON HIS SHOULDER!

There is something so comforting to know we have these friends, although far away, that know us.  They know the good, the bad and the ugly.  And they love us.  We love them.  They pray for us and us for them.

Their friendship feels like warm fuzzy socks on a cold winter day.

And what could be better than that?

I Thought This Was Supposed to Be Easier!

This is exactly what came out of my husband’s mouth the other night as I ran around in a frazzled state getting lunches ready for the next day.

And it’s exactly what I’m thinking after three and a half weeks of four children in school after homeschooling for 7-8 years.

Honestly, I hate it.

Not because it is bad or wrong.  It is just HARD.  VERY HARD.

One week is successfully navigated just to have another dumped in my lap.  The homework never ends.  The projects never stop.  I feel like we are never “ahead of the game”, this steep learning curve certainly over-rated.

My babies are growing up.  My life and my role are changing.  I’m learning “how to do school” at a break neck speed.  I think I need to help my children navigate though their own change yet I honestly think they are doing better than I.  The hours I have at home alone seem like seconds as life suddenly is passing at a speed I would have never fathomed.

As a homeschooling mom one walks a tough line between teaching our children they do not have to run at the speed life dictates (or conform to this world) and equipping them for exactly that (being in this world but not of this world).  And maybe it’s that way with all moms, but I’ve never felt a part of that group like I feel now.

I was and still am not a follower.  I role upstream.  I like different, but I don’t like change.

What if God wasn’t carrying me?  The thought strikes fear in my heart because if I’d been plucked from my home and set in the middle of the Iraqi desert I wouldn’t be any more uncomfortable.

I can not do this.  “Not on your own,” He whispers.

So, I cry behind sunglasses on the way to school.  I cry at home.  I cry at night.  I cry at my computer.  I cry at Target.

“Did I do a good enough job?  Will they succeed?  Will they fail?  Can I help them when they do both?  Am I supposed to?”

As I fall apart at the seams the Holy Spirit comes alongside and gives me the biggest hug.  It’s a mind blowing hug.  It sucks the very life out of me and puts it right back.  It knocks me over cold!  And it picks me up.  It steals all that I am and gives me all that He is!  It’s life-altering, heart-breaking and God-sent.  It’s horrible and wonderful all at the same time.

I really am a wreck.  But I’m so thankful I’m His wreck.  How could anyone survive without knowing that as screwed up as we are, we are His.  I’m a mess.  I’m frustrated.  I’m sad.  But I’m His.

And one day I’ll rise again, just as He did, and I’ll be able to look the world in the face and say, “Bring it on!”  but right now all I can do is cry and hope that people don’t think I’ve absolutely lost my mind.

Maybe one day soon I’ll feel stronger……like I’ve got it all together.  But I almost hope not.  Because when I do I’ll get knocked down again and reminded of how desperate I am (we all are) for a Savior.

Sally B’s Skin Yummies – Traveler Kit

In my search for all things organic (better known as driving my family crazy), I haunt websites like One Good Thing by Jillee.

I recently found her sister blogging about things  I LOVE at Camp Wander – go figure!

While I do make a lot of my own organic cleaners and want to make my own skin care I haven’t found the time to do it all yet.  Therefore, I present……(drum roll, please)

Sally B’s Skin Yummies.

I found them online several months ago and ordered a few of their products.  I loved them both.  Just recently I received an email from them introducing their New Traveler Kit. Better known to me as Julie’s New Sampler Kit!  It arrived in the mail just 2 days ago and so far I love all the products.

Shoot on over and check them out if you have time!  There is also a coupon code:  beauty that will give you 5% off your purchase.  The Traveler Bag is a great way to sample 6 of their wonderful products.

And if you love to make your own and save money check out Camp Wander and One Good Thing By Jillee.  Wouldn’t you love to live next door to them?  Tell them Julie sent you!
