A part of me wants to gripe about holiday reentry as I’m sure many of you are feeling it today.
The Spirit, however, is reminding me of all the blessings of the last two and a half weeks. My husband has been home from work for a lot of the holiday season which has meant a much needed break for him and a lot of camp fires for us!! The kids have stayed up late, watched too much tv, too many video games and we’ve all eaten too many sweets, but it’s been fun!
We have spent time with friends, had family in to visit and slept…some days ridiculously late! We’ve played Jinga at night! We rode around and looked at Christmas lights and ate HOT FRESH Krispy Kreme Donuts!! We spent an afternoon in a part of Jacksonville we had yet to explore…
My parents came to visit along with my sister and her family!
We explored and got lost together downtown! We were riding the sky ride thingie that is part of the public transportation system. A comedy of errors, let me tell you!!
So as reentry continues to take place I find the hours flying by and this post which began this morning with so much to say has ended up as a 1:15pm post with more interruptions than I can count.
But I will not long for uninterrupted time because it’s my sweet children who interrupt me.
I was reminded today of how fleeting life is as good friends of our lost their 30 year old son last night in a car accident. I will CHOOSE to be thankful for the Christmas and New Year break instead of concentrating on reentry. I will bask in the few hours I have left with my kids who are coughing and barking like dogs! And I will treat them naturally. And I will thank my Jesus that He has given me more to do than I can because I could be alone with nothing to do. I smile at the piles of paper on my desk that drive me nuts. And I’ll stare at the Christmas decorations wishing Mama June were back to take them down.
Thank you friends and family for making our holidays special.
And thank you Jesus for my lot in life, my gifts, my talents and the fact that you love me more than I could ever imagine. It’s ok to feel like a mess some days because I’m your mess.
Happy New Year Bloggy World!
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