Hello there…
It’s been a long time since I’ve visited my ole blog. Life has been crazy busy and I haven’t had much to say. It’s been crazy February weather in Jacksonville. Yesterday was 88 and Saturday the high is in the 60s. My sweet husband and I will have been married 16 years tomorrow. Friday night date night!! Yea!! It’s hard to believe 16 years and four children, the oldest being 13, have gone by like the wind. God tells us our time here is fleeting and although the days sometimes seem to crawl, the years fly.
So Happy Anniversary to my sweet hubbie tomorrow!!
I love you.
Visits from friends and other ramblings….
We have always enjoyed company. We view our house as God’s house so people flow in and out of our doors on a regular basis. Since moving we’ve not had quite the flow we had before. I often find when I’m down company helps me take my mind off myself and remember to focus on others, on God. Our former pastor and his wife visited yesterday and today. It was wonderful to see someone from “back home”. We have a deep connection with them because we’ve gone through the tough places in life together. We sat around the kitchen table last night and ate spaghetti, then Key Lime pie and just talked and talked.
It reminded me of home……..of our 10 years in SC, of sitting around the kitchen table with friends, talking, crying, sharing.
I wish I could take all my friends with me when we move. They would just travel around with us….our own comfort net. Yet, I know God calls us out us int0 the wilderness at times to draw us closer to him and to one another as a family. Then slowly the friendships come again. And once in a while we get the privilege of communion with long time friends.
It’s been a hard week for me. There have been feelings which have come as a surprise…..a change of heart about something that’s been very dear to me. I feel as if God has cut the umbilical cord in an area of my life and it’s been hard to swallow, hard to understand. I know when God changes my heart about something it’s sometimes a drastic 180. Other times it happens slowly.
So in this 180 I wait. I wait to follow God’s next move. The waiting place is difficult. I haven’t necessarily wrestled with Him, just the unbelievable change of heart that has happened in a snap. It’s a wait and see place for me now.
I know He has my best interests at heart so I know whatever is there is for my good. Trust in my Jesus….someone bigger than me, is a wonderful thing. He leads my life way better than I do.
So I sit, a little confused, but trying to rest in the Waiting Place.
I’m Published! Happy Dance…..
After working with the corporate marketing team at LearningRx we’ve finally gotten their cover for the next issue of Life Changing. I’m excited on so many levels. It’s the first time my photography has been published in a magazine, our family’s story is exciting and I believe in my heart of hearts LearningRx can help strengthen anyone’s cognitive thinking skills. I am passionate about them, passionate about what God is doing in my life as it relates to LearningRx and passionate about the difference it is making in the lives of my children. #3 Son just finished his first 12 weeks and will take a break while #1 Son finishes his 24 weeks and Baby Girl begins another 12 weeks concentrating on reading. Did I tell you she has decided to skip her reading books and now concentrate on reading “My First Encyclopedia”? She’s pronouncing words like “cold-blooded” all by herself. I am super-thrilled for her. She also gets to train with her favorite trainer, Renee, again! And I am learning how to train her at home as well.
The last few weeks has held much sorrow for our family as dear friends have lost loved ones. The presence of death around our family has had both my husband and I in constant prayer. This ray of light (LearningRx) among the sadness we are sharing with these families is truly a gift. I look forward to what God has planned for our family and LearningRx. Jumping for joy!!
To read more LearningRx reviews and stories from other parents visit: http://www.learningrx-reviews.com/
A School Bus
This morning I was walking Sparky….our giraffe, when a school bus went FLYING past me at the speed of light.
I literally stood out in the road a bit to see if the driver would slow down. I mean, I was walking the giraffe!!!
Did he/she?
They went flying past me, swerving just a bit, as to avoid having human and giraffe splattered all over their bus. That would be messy.
I called and reported them. My giraffe was mad. So was I. We do have kids in our neighborhood. That is why there are school buses.
It will be interesting to see what kind of response I receive. Next, I’m bringing out our elephant.
Know thyself…
Scooper has been blogging about knowing thyself.
I believe knowing oneself is where we find wisdom and knowledge through God. And I believe God is all about the business of helping us know ourselves, for He made us and He truly knows us. He sees the parts of us we hide and he wants to bring those into the light so we know them too. Sometimes it is to rid us of something that is hindering our “abundant life” here on this strange planet. Other times it’s just so we know our limitations, grieve over them and delve deeper into His abundance and love, growing evermore dependent upon HIM.
This weekend we experienced the horrible tragedy of someone we love losing their 7 year old daughter in a car accident.
My heart breaks for this family as I know this is a valley that will take a long time to get through. I desperately pray attempting to touch the Throne of Grace with my prayers for them. I pray and I pray and I pray for them to feel God’s love and to know that Thursday was sweet Emma’s time to be with the Lord. It doesn’t make being here without her any easier though and I know just existing from one moment to the next seems impossible.
I can’t imagine anything worse than losing a child. No parent should outlive their child……ever. Yet, I do not write the playbook. Only the Father does that. And I know He sits with them as they experience the same loss He did when Jesus laid his life down for each one of us.
In these situations it is so hard to believe that God never gives us more than we can handle.
This seems impossible.
In knowing thyself……I wish I could take their pain away. I wish I could hold them and comfort them. I wish I could bring Emma back.
Yet, I am limited. So I pray. I pray unceasingly. And I love them from afar.
If you or a loved one has experienced such loss my dear blog-o-sphere friend Marsha speaks so wonderfully to all they have gone through after losing their son on her blog . When My Heart is Breaking is one of my favorite posts. Because I know sometimes the death of my mom can hit me slap upside the face, unexpectedly, and all I can do is cry.
Photoshop CS5
I have to admit I have a love/hate relationship with Photoshop.
Sometimes when I’m creative and I have time I love it. Other times when I have a few minutes of peace and quiet (never) I enjoy trying a few new tricks.
This one I got from Top 100 Simplified Tips and Tricks found on Amazon
So instead of doing my bible study or cleaning my office I took a few minutes this morning to play.
Tell me what you think….
After some dodging/burning and work on her eyes……
I somehow got her skin tone on her shirt but other than that I like it. My brain is Photoshop fried now. Going to clean something.
Imagine yourself on a journey…
…school is hard, you remain frustrated which causes you to break things or get super angry. Then you begin a journey that begins to gradually, step by step alleviate some of your frustration. School begins to be easier but you are not sure why. Life begins to settle in a bit for you where at one time nothing seemed to make sense. Your confidence is growing, your thoughtfulness towards others is also changing. What’s up?
Imagine yourself way down there at the “x”. That is what life felt like 30 weeks ago. But over the course of the last 30 weeks or so life has begun to come into focus. Slowly as you have played games, strengthened your brain (without knowing you were doing so), and had tons of fun!!! You’re at the “e” now. Life makes more sense. Your ability to deal with frustration has grown. Your school work becomes easier. The “L” is in sight…..only a few more weeks to go.
And it’s all because of the wonderful people who have helped you strengthen your brain at LearningRx. Joy. Joy.
Thank you, all my friends at Jacksonville LearningRx!! You’ve given my child hope and a future….exactly what God promised him. You have been His instrument for us. You have been His tool. And for that I pray blessings into your life and into your families’ lives. May you touch others with the light of the Lord!!!
To read more LearningRx reviews and stories from other parents visit: http://www.learningrx-reviews.com/
Number Three Son…
He’s introverted, likes to get things right, leaves messes everywhere he goes and loves his best friend Seth. He would come and snuggle with me when he was smaller…sneaking into my bedroom and into my bed in the wee hours of the morning. He’d lay so still I wouldn’t even know he was there.
He’s my third born and I love him to pieces!! Ten this past year, he’s growing just a little too fast for mom.
Love you buddy.
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