Monsters on Top

During our last few trips this beast has prevented a noisy, windy problem.  Once we reach 60mph the Cargo Carrier turns into The Monster on Top!

It groan, it moan, it flutters.  I tried piling it full of luggage but the weight does not help.  At 60mph + the Monster returns.

On the way home from the NC coast I knew I could take the Monster no longer.  It was conquer or be conquered.  Literally, I was coming undone.

The first stop was at The Dollar General for Duck Tape.

Nope!  60mph and The Monster reared it’s ugly head.

Next stop….Stuffmart.

Might I add, I abhor Stuffmart.  But after Rocketman and I discussed engineering strategies in the car I knew what we had to do.

And this, my friends, was The Cure for The Monster on Top.

Two tire wedge thingies from the auto department and 2 bungie cords “just in case”, a quick swing through the kitchen section for nonskid drawer stuff (for traction and car protection), past the scissors and I was out of there.

My engineering brilliancy?

These beauties!!!

Ok, call me brilliant!  Go ahead.  I’m at genius level right now.

The Monster on Top was created by wind lifting the front of the carrier.  Then it flapped up and down on the car.  Over and over and over again!

So we crammed two of these under each side of the car top carrier and voila!!!  No NOISE.  Utter bliss!

Cost?…maybe $10-15 at Stuffmart including the cheap Duct Tape off brand stuff from The Dollar Store!

Oh and all those bugs guts….that’s just a bonus for you guys!

Reentry and Surrender

Our week spent in Atlantic Beach, NC found us all tired for various reasons.  My hubbie had being on two week-long trips, we’d driven 10 hours to Alabama, finished school as well as football playoffs.  The North Carolina Coast is a long drive from Florida as well.  We piled into the car on Friday for another 10-11 hours of driving.  Our children are quickly outgrowing our minivan.

There was much sleeping and napping going on at the beach.  We had a great time and happened to be there when the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament was in full swing.  We went into Morehead City Monday afternoon to watch them pull in the fish that ended up winning the tournament.   Just shy of 500 lbs., the fish was a beast.  Northern winds made the last few days of fishing rough for the anglers!  Although rough at seas with swells to 10 feet those days on the beach were amazingly calm with a lake for an ocean.

We caught the cutest puffer fish from the beach and were entertained by them blowing themselves up like beach balls.

We ventured into Beaufort, NC our annual Sunset Cruise.  Since the days were barely in the 80’s the Sunset Cruise was chilly.  It felt more like winter in Florida than summer in NC.

We rented bikes and while my husband and my brother-in-law biked for fitness, my sister and I leisurely peddled around the block several times each evening.

I say all this to come to the point of reentry.  I’ve felt the burn!  You know the one…when the space shuttle reenters the earth’s atmosphere and everything looks like it’s on fire.

The ride home?  Not so fun.  The unpacking?  Ditto.  Preparing for the week?  Laundry.  Neighborhood kids.  Father’s Day.  It somehow all imploded within me to prove to be an overwhelming and frazzled day!  Monday morning has proven no better.  I need a vacation from my vacation.  Somehow I’ve gotten past today.  I’m thinking of school for next year and what we may have to do over the summer to prepare.  I’m tired and whiney.  I’m not much fun to be around so don’t come knocking on my door!  You might not like me.  I might growl.

It’s in these moments like today I beg God for his comfort and covering over emotions, hormones and all things that pull at a mommy’s heart.  I try to put things into perspective.  I slip on the attitude of gratefulness and it’s scratchy.  The pitty party gown feels much nicer.

It’s in these moments I feel so small.  Like the kids in the ocean, the storm rages around me and I try to center myself on the One and Only.  The Great I Am.  For it is only in Him my peace will return.

Then I wonder if the answer lies in throwing myself into His arms as the sea swirls around me and wait for His soft and gentle embrace that sets everything right within my heart again.


Surrender with joy.  Now that I must chew on.

Memorial Day Weekend

We drove to Scottsboro, Al on Wednesday for our nephew, Brock’s, high school graduation.

It was a great trip.  I don’t think I’ve been to a graduation since my own.  After one more niece I will be attending my own children’s graduation.  I felt very nostalgic watching the ceremony.  What a momentous occasion in those kid’s lives.  At 47, looking back, there is wisdom you know will come that as high school graduates seems unfathomable.  Oh, to know then what I know now.

I believe the biggest wish I would give myself is the ability to trust God’s leading, to hear that small still voice, to follow it and be able to know that voice from all the others that compete for my attention.

The night before graduation my mother and father-in-law gave Brock the nicest graduation party.

My proud husband and his nephew.

Brock is going to Auburn.  My husband went to graduate and undergraduate school in Auburn.  So, yes, we are die-hard fans!

Brock graduated at the top of his class and received an academic scholarship to Auburn University!  WAR EAGLE!

After graduation we enjoyed my in-laws beautiful yard.  I know they spent hours cleaning for the party.  Thanks guys!  We loved it!

My nephew was off to the beach with his friends as we prepared to drive back home to the nice tropical storm/hurricane that landed smack dab in the middle of Jacksonville!

However, we had a one day of relaxing by the pool and enjoying the garden before returning home.  Rocketman (my husband) likes to drive through the night so we all sleep while his sips coffee and drives.  Thanks babe!

This small critter joined us poolside.

Hope you had a great Memorial Day Weekend!  We were blessed with 3-6 inches of rain!  The ducks are dancing (sorry, I missed that shot)!!

Someone’s turning eight…

She honestly was born just yesterday.

She called out, “My boys, my boys” every time she saw her brothers.  She cuddled with my youngest son in her crib (video proof).

Now, on Memorial Day, she is eight.

It’s hard to believe growing up happens so quickly.  Days sometimes crawl but as you look back they were gone in a single breath.

We celebrated her birthday with friends by a chilly pool, but kids don’t care!  They had a blast.

One forgot her suit so she swam in her clothes.  We’re easy like that.

Her brothers even made an appearance.  This is one of my favorite shots.  Something about the tilt of his head, the texture of his hair….

Life flies by so quickly.

Go hug your kids.

Rain, Glorious Rain!!

Last night we finally had rain.  Real, pouring down, thunderous, booming rain!

It was glorious!

Jacksonville has resembled the Majava Dessert.   I swear a scrub brush flew by yesterday.

This morning our neighborly little friends were bathing outside the house.  Of course I ran for my camera.  These were my favorite shots.

Isn’t her reflection spectacular?

Don’t you wonder what they are thinking?

Oh, to be a duck!

He’s our hero!

All three of my boys had football games on Saturday.

There are times when son #3 takes an interest and other times when he doesn’t really care about what’s going on.  But I’ve noticed this season as we have progressed so has he.

Saturday I watched him run for 40 yards or so, but my proudest moment was this one.

He was chasing after the guy carrying the ball, got trampled, picked himself up and pulled the guy’s flag.

I tell ya, it was a moment that would make a mama cry!

Enjoy it in pictures as I did on a breezy Saturday morning in Florida…

The collision…(he’s the guy on the right getting clobbered)

The knockdown….

The pain…

And the snag!  You go little man!  You’re our man!

My Main Squeeze

It’s been a long time since I’ve sat and talked about my walk with the Lord over the past two years.

Since moving to Florida we’ve been on an amazing journey.  My darkest times were during our first year here.  We were renting a house, homeschooling in a far smaller space than we had done before and living in a gated community for the first time.  Yikes.  We’d moved from rural SC where peeing in the back yard was a sport in and of itself.  Now, we received nasty grams about the very way I’d potty trained three boys.  I cried.  I longed for our former home.  The kids missed their friends.  I missed my friends.  I wanted our yard, our woods, our life for the last 10 years.

I longed for the lifechanging Bible Study I attended.  I think I took one year off in my 6 years of having 4 children.  Those women there were my lifeline.  I grew, I cried, I loved and I was loved. Some of my best friends are still in my life because of our vulnerability shared during Bible Study.

There were nights of sitting on the porch crying with a friend from home because I’d had a child diagnosed with ADHD but had no answers, one wasn’t reading and I didn’t know how to help and one was dying to get out of the house and go to school.  My life was falling apart.  I felt like a failure as a mom.

The first year was dark, yet I knew Florida was where God wanted us.  Why?  He was certainly the only one who knew!!

As the first year morphed into the second light began to shine.  We discovered LearningRx through a friend in our homeschool group.  It was there I began to find answers to help my kids.  The folks there were kind and seemed truly interested in my children.  They offered hope.

Fast forward to today as I sit reading The Purpose Directed Business by Ken Gibson.

For those of you who’ve read The Purpose Driven Life you know what an impact that book can have on your life.

“It’s now about you.”

And it isn’t.  Those words offer so much freedom.  Freedom to be messed up, sad, happy, uncontrolled, hopeless, hopeful and most of all totally dependent.

Today, I sit and read feeling excited.  I’m excited that the man who founded the company God has used in my life is a Christian.  I’m excited to be a partnering parent with LearningRx.  I’m excited that none of this is really about me or about cognitive thinking skills (although high on my list), it’s about God.  It’s about what He wants to do through me, in me and for me.

He’s my Main Squeeze.  And I say that with the upmost respect.

To the one who knows me like no other…..“Thank you dad!  Thank you for stirring in me a desire that comes through you to reach other moms and children for your glory!  Open the eyes of my heart to see and love those you put in my path.  Expand my territory.  Be huge.  Be God!!”

Unlock the Einstein Inside – LearningRx

Did you know you can download Ken Gibson’s book Unlock the Einstein Inside for free? Are you like me and love free things? This is one of those must reads for moms, anyone looking to get Sartre or understand the brain better.
Click here to download the free ebook!

To read more LearningRx reviews and stories from other parents visit:


I think she looks like me!?

Baby Girl

It is rare that my beautiful mug actually makes it into a photo.  I much prefer to be behind the camera.  But Baby Girl was interviewed for a magazine article and a photo was needed.  So last night before bed we snapped this shot, texted all our friends, and emailed this off to the magazine.  My baby girl is not a baby girl anymore!!

Sniff, sniff!
